Thursday, August 03, 2006 | Author: Ivan Juntian
Reality, a thing so far yet so near. It depicts a scene of a maze. A maze that is never ending, until one day a decision is made. These wishy washy stuffs are entirely out of my head, running away? Whats the point?

Whats the result of running away? You will never get out of this topsy-turvy world if it is continuing in this manner. I neither here nor there, i neither happy or sad. I neither fustrated or dissapointed. I'm all alone. Selucled in this world of mine by myself. I cannot get it, i really can't.

Am i too complex or are you too simple? Or am i too simple rather? I used my utmost energy to hold on to this relationship. I tired, i'm not a robot. I just an idiot who is manipulating the relationship without anything in return. Am i in the wrong?

I didn't break my promise of not metioning him. But i can see that you still grudge onto him. From two particular events if you recall. I'm falling, plunging like a waterfall, hitting against the rocks of the plunge pool.

My head is bleeding. It's screaming at the top of its voice, " I'm tired ". I tried my part and i knew it, i respected every comment that you made. I tried so hard to prevent quarrels. I tried, i tried, i tried.

Never once did i lose my temper infront of you, i can't bear to, really can't bear to. Even when my blood is boiling, i tried to cool myself down from the unpleasant things that may lead to a tradegy. Someone told me that yesterday, 020806 was meant to be a special day for me. How i wish, it was one. How i really wish.

As i always say, you are not the failure. I am the one is failing to do the things that i am supposed to do. I do not have the potential to let you overcome those memories that you had with him. Much as it is,correct me if i am wrong, i cannot even let you generate feelings for me either.

I always raise my hand at first opportunity for you, did you have the attention of the hand that is being raised up? Its not about the heart-breaking, who cares about feeling heart broken when everything has already happened. I rather reflect on what are the things that have gone wrong and have the chance to amend them.

It seems like, it seems like, it seems like. Hoping there would be 020906.
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