Sunday, August 27, 2006 | Author: Ivan Juntian
Quarreled with my mum over a trivial matter yesterday, i have to relfect on this attitude of mine. Its getting from bad to worse, its been quite a long time since i ever saw my mum crying infront of me since the adam khoo's course. Greatest apologies once again, but nowadays i'm really quite tensed up.

I get irritated nowadays by the slightest comment, i got myself ruined these few weeks. Also greatest apologies to another person, pearllene. I'm really owe you a sincere apology. I should not even have done that in the first place.

I would change, i surely would. Slept at 4 o clock in the morning yesterday, woke up at 1 o clock in the afternoon today. Its been such a long time since i had such a good chat, full of jokes, laughter.

"Gentlemen, change your m16 rifles to the new PLASTIC weapon." The soldier would then reply, "Sir! Bo effect lehs!". After which the officer reply, "Just continue firing!". This is really dscriminating. How can that person name our singapore created SAR 21 as plastic weapon.

I'm patriotic, not to a very very large extent. But at least, to that extent of not discrimating my own country. Our country is so great, those lovely national songs, those lovely politicans, those lovely policies. But theres something not very good. I know why some people say that singapore is a "fine" country.

Anyway, i know that i'm a fool overnight! Thats what i found out. O my, why is this so? I always thought that i can do it, but now i know that i think in a too complex manner for simple things. I would think simple next time! HAHA! What for i thought of morse code just for a few numbers!

This is a real joke, anyway, thank you once again for letting me not give up. Thanks for helping me in the blog, i wont give up on things so easily next time. I would perserve and persist till the end.

I stop here for the day, take great care guys.

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