Thursday, May 21, 2009 | Author: Ivan Juntian
I had been too nonchalant in handling my stuffs. I really had. I thought of myself first before others. I dissapointed someone real badly, I can feel the piercing in her heart. She had always been the one, always there for me when I needed help.

Yet, I can still made her so dissapointed. Being at such an age, I can still do these things wrongly, I can still not think of any consequences before I do anything. Everytime things happen, then I would start to think back. I would start to think where gone wrong, what gone wrong.

Fuck myself...

I would want to change but action speaks louder than words. Nothing I say will retrieve the dissapointment you had in your heart, I broke that precious little heart once again. I'm truly sorry.

I seem to be not good in handling my emotions, I blame myself for that.

Darling, You're my one and only. I love you.
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