Something struck me when darling and i were having our dinner at the coffeshop near prime supermarket.
Anyone watced the tv commercial on the new beverage "anything" and "whatever"? O my, its really creative. Who will ever think about we having a beverage call anything? "Anything" is a new canned drink that consists of carbonated drinks like coke, root bear....
"Whatever" on the other hand is a canned drink that consitsts of non-carbonated drinks like green tea, ice lemon tea...
You wont know what you are going to be drinking until the moment u open ur can and taste or even smell the drink in it.
O my, this idea is really really creative! Woosh!
Moving into the new era of innovation. The company that manufactured and invented this is actually call "out of the box pte ltd". They're really thinking out of the box. Creative! Three cheers to you guys!
Check them out at
I got a root beer in my anything while darling got a green tea.
Try it! It's just so great!
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