I cant seemed to post from 1am! My god, i've been trying and trying and trying. God knows what's happening.
Darling, thank you for the fun day today. It was totally fantastic. Our 6 months! ^^!
Woohoo. I just get pure excited when i count back the times we are together. We'll make it 6 decades, or even 6 centuries alright?
We went to plaza sing today. Walking round and round the shopping mall. Darling and I went to the food court to dine. Our stomachs were so bloated, we went to have some fun with games in the acarde.
It was real lame. I was so retarded in dance dance revolution. My legs just can't seem to move. It really can't move. I was like so........err.......
We went to pc bunk to have a look. Maplers, auditioners were everywhere. O my, pc bunk was so crowded. Nice environment it has. After which, we scanned around doby xchange. My god, i was so so tempted to buy my mum a mother's day present.
I saw this package of pearl earrings, ring , and a pendant. They actually store a mussel in a can and we had to open the mussel ourselves. It depends on our luck what colour we get. Every colour symbols a different thing.
So, can i say i damn lucky if i open the mussel, and there is entirely no pearl? Isn't that sucky. I was so so so so so fustrated. How i wish i can get a refund with those damn shells of that stupid mussel.
The manual still wrote there is at least one pearl per mussel. O my, bull shit, pack of lies. What spoilage to my mother's day present!
Photos! DARLING love Photos!

Had a really great time with darling today. Taking so many photos! Wahaha!
The cash register also broke down at the sushi shop we went to eat at for dinner !
Exciting ya?
Darling, our perfect love.
6 months!
I love you,
really really do.