Saturday, December 16, 2006 | Author: Ivan Juntian
Wow, whats that excitment? , Oh? Really ma? , Issit true? Dun bluff lar!

These phrases often welcome sayings like, "typical singaporeans using singlish."

Have we ever think before? Whats Singlish? It is a language which make singaporeans special isn't it? In japan, they have japanese. In spain, they have spanish, In great britain, they have their british english.

Whereas in america, they have the america english. It made them special isn't it so? Singlish is prohibited in singapore? No, it isn't, i think singlish is language which can actually boost up singaporeans speciality among the rest of the world.

We can have our own language? Can't we? Not just becuase that english is an international language around the world, we must stick to proper english isn't it? We have our roots? Don't we? Who invented english?

I heard that some people around the way think that singapore is a part of china! Just because singapore is more chinese populated? We are multi racial, and we have 4 different races. And the fact that we are living in racial harmony without conflicts can show how capable singapore is.

I'm moving away from these issues.

I blogging again. Once again, my craps are here.

Be prepared for the ultimate craps once again.!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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