Went there with dear today!! It was the promotion! 6 dollars for child/adult ticket. We went in and the coupons offered us free ice creams and dear's favourite candy floss! We made a mess out of everything, when the candy floss melted! wahahaha. It was so damn fun!
We went to the lockers after that, and found out that the lockers WAS SGD $1 !!! It was hell lot expensive, compared to the swimming pools 40 cents!!! wahahahaha. After what seemed like eternity, dear finished the ice cream.
We went to sit the rainbow after that, when she told me to open my eyes! ARgh. Hell lot scary, and she is not scared at all?? The weather was so so so so hot ! We went to the viking, pirate ship, thinking that we would be cooler there. I was scared again. I hold on to the handle bar so tight when the ship came down.
O my , i'm so afraid of heights, aren't i? The rides queue was so so so so long! We managed to play the flipper after that. Hey, and this is the first ride i was not scared of ! Acheievement. We went to the carnival games, saw so many people winning the monkeys!!! It was so cute and dear like that so so so much.
Think that she was drooling when she saw that! I must win it for her. We use up the coupons by playing the "spin to win". Pure luck, i won the first prize. Almost got nothing, i was so lucky. I won her a bear. A poisoned bear, hahaha.
Yakult was the worst ride in escape. It made me so giddy wors. I was seeing stars, so many stars. I felt so giddy, i need a drink. We went to the lockers to fetch our cash and went to burger king. Bought fries and a large drink and found out it was hell lot expensive. Everywhere, people were holding the monkeys.
Dear was afraid of the haunted house! wahahaha. I found her weakness in the theme park. We walked one round in the house and went to the "wet and wild". Omg, our boat was flooded with water and imagine when the boat was lifted up. I sat at the back and my clothes were drenched.
EWWW!! The water was so dirty, and hopefully smelly. It was so cold after being drenched. The weather was turning cold after a shower. Last ride, pepsi revolution! I swear, i would never take that ride again ! It made me look as if i fell into the drain. wahahaha. My clothes were all dirty and the ride was turning me 360 degrees.
I was praying that the ride would stop immediately. O my. I decided to play the "horse riding" a carnival game. And to win the monkey for dear wors. I felt myself so drenched and smelly, my god. I lost the first game i played badly, two dollars flew.
She was so dissapointed isn't she? We went to the lockers and took our things and prepared to go home. I wanted to play the horse riding again and finally!! I WON!!! WOOHOO! See her elated face, it made me more happy than ever. I was so so so so happy when i saw her smiling so sweetly. hahaha.
Maybe i win due to a kiss on the cheek. Wahahaha. Anyway, it was real fun today although its only two person going to the ttheme park! I just like to see her smile everyday like this! Love you lots lots lots lots lots. Had fun fun fun fun fun fun!!! WAHAHAHAHA.
Wan pictures?

The poisoned bear plus the monkey!

We and the monkey again, she with the monkey. See her smilng so happily ! wahahaha