I'm guilty of what i've been doing. I feel so bad.Exams are coming and i'm still on this track of playing. Tell you what, i would change now. Right now! Reflecting on my actions from yesterday, reflecting on what i have carried out through my actions to my friends around me.
Guys, if you feel any uncomfortable with me. Feel free to speak your mind out, i would do my best to change it as soon as possible. I've been thinking about this word, F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P, since yesterday night.
I just can't figure out a definition from it. What does F means? What does R means ? etc... I just can't figure it out. I been burying myself into mapling this holiday. From the moment i wake up till the moment i end my end, never an hour is short of maple! Be it between conversations, or inside the game.
I need to adapt to the intense studying life now. Tuesday is my first paper, or rather my science pratical. To be serious, i know a shit about chemistry. I tried to force myself to listen real hard in the chemistry lesson, but one thing is that, my brain cells is always sleeping after half and hour of real listening.
I'm always hypnotised in chemistry lessons. I really do not know why, its not the teacher's fault, its mine. My own foundation of chemistry is weakened ever since the day i learn chemistry that was two years ago.
Two years later, my mindset is situated that "study also fail, never study also fail, might as well not study". When is the time that i can ever get back on the right track again. The power of regret is really that disastrous that i do not even want to taste it.
I do not even want to have a feel of it. I was thinking about lots of things yesterday, and i thought of this thing. I thought of the definition of "losers". A loser is certainly not someone who loses in the form of a competition etc. Or rather a winner is definetely not just a person who wins something and bring glory for something, someone or himself.
Remember, there are black and white portions of life. There are also gray sectors that cannot be explained. To me, a winner is someone who unleashed his/her own potential, put in his/her very best in doing something. Thats a winnner.
However, on the other hand, a loser is a person who fails to unleash his/her stored potential, thats a loser to me. A loser is also someone that let their head rule over their heart.
No man is given 25 hours a day. Each and every person living on this planet earth have 24 hours a day. Its how we manage it, how we use it, how we waste it. Time is always impartial, its only that we have took it for granted. When things start to have a different turn, we would push all the blames to time, without having reflecting ourselves.
So, lets now grab hold of what we have. Do not let opportunities slip past our hands. As a saying goes, strike when the iron is hot. Perk up ourselves and get ourselves a life. A life that we would not regret for an entire lifetime.
For my fellow maplers especially guild Lucidious, i miss you guys certainly. I would be back after the o levels. Thanks for the help you guys gave and remember do not sacrifice too much time in maple! If not you would become,