My prelims results, one word, it suck. Chem, 49/100, Geo mcq 20/40, english paper 2 25.5/50, maths paper 1 47/80. O my, where am i actually heading with this kind of results? To hell with my stupid confidence, to hell with that of my mapling. To hell with it !
This is surely a hard knock on my head. I'm heading all out for the o levels. I would get at least b3 for all my subjects, excluding f and n ! I would get it and i must ! No point vacillating in this kind of stupid results forever, i'm not getting anywhere with it.
Study break until the o levels is coming soon, i hope this would be the time for me to catch up with my subjects. It will be over in no time, by then ! I can throw all my notes away and slack all i want.
Nothing to blog about also, not in the mood anyway, i blog again. Hear from me again.
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