Yea, this incident knocked me hard on my bloody head. I have no time to censor those vulgarities, so please make this post only visible to nc16 only.
Hacked at 5x again, don't which idiotic bastard, son of a bitch did it. I'm really fucking fuming mad inside my head. What seems to me, this game is really so sucky! It's as always, as always 2 characters, my fucking god.
Please someone make some god bloody sense into my head, i can't take it. How much i wish to chop that person, fucking waste of my precious youthful time. My heart is bleeding big time, that adds to the hurt that i have right now.
My god! God damn ironic shit! Make me fucking pissed ! Never mind about this, all blamed to my poor luck. Fuck it. Stop this that will dampened my mood.
My prelims results! Sucks to the core, on the edge of breaking into SHIT! C6s, where can i go? Got to become a road sweeper, my family is not as well to do after all, i do not want them to spend private schooling.
I come to this bloody home everyday, sit down facing my computer, hear nags! I'm sick of all this.
Few more days to go, i'm really afraid, afraid that i wil lose you forever. I dun want that to happen neither i want you to be unhappy, God bless.
My prelims results, one word, it suck. Chem, 49/100, Geo mcq 20/40, english paper 2 25.5/50, maths paper 1 47/80. O my, where am i actually heading with this kind of results? To hell with my stupid confidence, to hell with that of my mapling. To hell with it !
This is surely a hard knock on my head. I'm heading all out for the o levels. I would get at least b3 for all my subjects, excluding f and n ! I would get it and i must ! No point vacillating in this kind of stupid results forever, i'm not getting anywhere with it.
Study break until the o levels is coming soon, i hope this would be the time for me to catch up with my subjects. It will be over in no time, by then ! I can throw all my notes away and slack all i want.
Nothing to blog about also, not in the mood anyway, i blog again. Hear from me again.
This is surely a hard knock on my head. I'm heading all out for the o levels. I would get at least b3 for all my subjects, excluding f and n ! I would get it and i must ! No point vacillating in this kind of stupid results forever, i'm not getting anywhere with it.
Study break until the o levels is coming soon, i hope this would be the time for me to catch up with my subjects. It will be over in no time, by then ! I can throw all my notes away and slack all i want.
Nothing to blog about also, not in the mood anyway, i blog again. Hear from me again.
Found that i haven been blogging these few days, i think its because of my prelims. My greatest apologies to mrs ramos for sure not doing well for geography, i can't meet ur expectation of b3. I'm really sorry.
Today post is to this particular person, if you know who you are. I bet you know, i don't question your intelligence.
Clarify this quickly, its not the promises that you have made to someone or whoever. Its not about the promises, its about your heart. Its about your fear, your guilt? Whats wrong with a new stead ? No one ever call you to advertise, but changing your blog ? What does that meant?
Guilty, i think so. Firstly, is it fair to whoever your new stead is? Come on, this is the point where SHE thinks that she is guilty for making you to be like that. The hurt that she gave you, she is guilty of it.
Sucks! I think you should be the one who should be guilty. A three years relationship ? What have you actually gave her? Pure hurt ? Liking someone else ? Made her cry so badly on your birthday? Have you noticed the hurt that you are implementing to her ? NO? Bang your house wall hard now.
Who can she turn to when she is feeling down? You? I doubt so. She turned to her friends for help, and you are jealous. You're jealous, but to think of it. The cause was made by you. Think of it. She found out? SO? Can't she just put it in her blog?
Does it matter to you anymore? Please kindly ask those friends of yours to not unleash stupidity and blabber what they saw in her blog? A ripper in her blog now? You like it? I don't! I seriously don't.
You chose this way, live with it. Don't ever ever come back when you and your new girl has broken up. If you do that, god bless you. But have you ever know how much the CAN'T stop them hurt her?
I bet her heart is bleeding as she was reading it. Just with some profound english, the anon can tag and make herself a nuisance in someone's else blog? Pure stupidity. Wake up, kid.
Live with the way you chose to live, and let her clear her guilt. She doesn't want or even hope you 2 to not last now. In fact, she wants you two to be happy and everlasting, is that her fault once again.
Think of it.
Today post is to this particular person, if you know who you are. I bet you know, i don't question your intelligence.
Clarify this quickly, its not the promises that you have made to someone or whoever. Its not about the promises, its about your heart. Its about your fear, your guilt? Whats wrong with a new stead ? No one ever call you to advertise, but changing your blog ? What does that meant?
Guilty, i think so. Firstly, is it fair to whoever your new stead is? Come on, this is the point where SHE thinks that she is guilty for making you to be like that. The hurt that she gave you, she is guilty of it.
Sucks! I think you should be the one who should be guilty. A three years relationship ? What have you actually gave her? Pure hurt ? Liking someone else ? Made her cry so badly on your birthday? Have you noticed the hurt that you are implementing to her ? NO? Bang your house wall hard now.
Who can she turn to when she is feeling down? You? I doubt so. She turned to her friends for help, and you are jealous. You're jealous, but to think of it. The cause was made by you. Think of it. She found out? SO? Can't she just put it in her blog?
Does it matter to you anymore? Please kindly ask those friends of yours to not unleash stupidity and blabber what they saw in her blog? A ripper in her blog now? You like it? I don't! I seriously don't.
You chose this way, live with it. Don't ever ever come back when you and your new girl has broken up. If you do that, god bless you. But have you ever know how much the CAN'T stop them hurt her?
I bet her heart is bleeding as she was reading it. Just with some profound english, the anon can tag and make herself a nuisance in someone's else blog? Pure stupidity. Wake up, kid.
Live with the way you chose to live, and let her clear her guilt. She doesn't want or even hope you 2 to not last now. In fact, she wants you two to be happy and everlasting, is that her fault once again.
Think of it.
Whats life after death? Whats death after life? Whos god? Pratically, seriously speaking, who knows? There is a quotation going, " Life is predestined by god ", is it? To me, its not. We control our own life, whatever we do in our life, whatever we work for, comes true.
Can the mighty one give you power in the sense that you can acheive everything that you want just by slacking around every single day of your life? The answer is? NO! Its not fate that control our life, its we ourselves that controls fate.
In love, there is always a saying about, " two must have an affinity to become lovers for life ". Is that so? Does that happen to you guys? Or have you guys done something to create that affinity?
Like i'm always spamming, is life expecting too much from me or am i expecting too much of it. I just can't understand it, the irony of life, who can explain it ? Tied down, just tied down by thinking where one is to go after death.
Would you go to the world where everything is so beautiful? Or would you go into a world with temperature as hot as burning sulphur? We're out to learn, just like new born childs stepping into this world.
Gandhi, made this quote before and i totally respect him. " Learn as if you are living forever, live as if you are dieing tomorrow ". We always let opportunities slip past in our lives, the lives that we are controlling with our own very hands.
The quizzes gave you an amount of how much ur life is worth, thats really crap. Everyone, in particular, lives are precious and priceless. Try this, take out a piece of blank paper and put the amount of both your hands, your eyes, your legs, if someone is forking out a price to buy it.
You should be scribbling amount like 10 thrillion for a hand? If you got anything like 1 million and below, thats holy crap. Add them all up, this is how much your life is worth. Bill gates, being the richest man in the world have only an asset of 40-50 billion us dollars.
Is he able to buy just one of your hand? No, do you see life as a precious subject now? Treat life seriously, don't ever let opportunities slip past. Strike when the iron is hot. Inspire yourself to succeed in life, who doesn't want to become a multi millionare, enjoying life as days past?
They may not be happy also, think of it.
If i had the power to choose to keep one thing that in my life. I would choose your heart, the heart that lightens me up every single day of my life. I love you.
Can the mighty one give you power in the sense that you can acheive everything that you want just by slacking around every single day of your life? The answer is? NO! Its not fate that control our life, its we ourselves that controls fate.
In love, there is always a saying about, " two must have an affinity to become lovers for life ". Is that so? Does that happen to you guys? Or have you guys done something to create that affinity?
Like i'm always spamming, is life expecting too much from me or am i expecting too much of it. I just can't understand it, the irony of life, who can explain it ? Tied down, just tied down by thinking where one is to go after death.
Would you go to the world where everything is so beautiful? Or would you go into a world with temperature as hot as burning sulphur? We're out to learn, just like new born childs stepping into this world.
Gandhi, made this quote before and i totally respect him. " Learn as if you are living forever, live as if you are dieing tomorrow ". We always let opportunities slip past in our lives, the lives that we are controlling with our own very hands.
The quizzes gave you an amount of how much ur life is worth, thats really crap. Everyone, in particular, lives are precious and priceless. Try this, take out a piece of blank paper and put the amount of both your hands, your eyes, your legs, if someone is forking out a price to buy it.
You should be scribbling amount like 10 thrillion for a hand? If you got anything like 1 million and below, thats holy crap. Add them all up, this is how much your life is worth. Bill gates, being the richest man in the world have only an asset of 40-50 billion us dollars.
Is he able to buy just one of your hand? No, do you see life as a precious subject now? Treat life seriously, don't ever let opportunities slip past. Strike when the iron is hot. Inspire yourself to succeed in life, who doesn't want to become a multi millionare, enjoying life as days past?
They may not be happy also, think of it.
If i had the power to choose to keep one thing that in my life. I would choose your heart, the heart that lightens me up every single day of my life. I love you.
Go down to, thats what i learnt from rita. I went to do some quiz and find some quite true. One of the quizzes would be,
I love those subjects mentioned, another quiz that i took,
I took quite alot of time thinking about the us history! It's difficult so difficult ! I managed to find some information and at least pass 6 ? Aren't i'm great?
After which, an irony struck me, i was laughing my ass out. I took the quiz which foreign language should you take and i eventually got this answer.
This is about how am i in love, these quizzes are getting more and more fun! All thanks to rita.
Till now, i'm still not sure whether if i'm left or right brained, but i love to day dream and think about stupid things for sure.
The last one, i blog again later. Take care people, thanks rita for the quizzes
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking |
You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk. |
I love those subjects mentioned, another quiz that i took,
You Passed 8th Grade US History |
Could You Pass 8th Grade History?
I took quite alot of time thinking about the us history! It's difficult so difficult ! I managed to find some information and at least pass 6 ? Aren't i'm great?
After which, an irony struck me, i was laughing my ass out. I took the quiz which foreign language should you take and i eventually got this answer.
You Should Learn Chinese |
How You Are In Love |
You give and take equally in relationships. You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time. You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change. You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. |
This is about how am i in love, these quizzes are getting more and more fun! All thanks to rita.
You Are 30% Left Brained, 70% Right Brained |
The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Till now, i'm still not sure whether if i'm left or right brained, but i love to day dream and think about stupid things for sure.
You Are a Life Blogger! |
Your Career Personality: Independent, Insightful, and Ingenious |
Architect,Artist,Business strategist,College professor,Computer programmer,Mathematician,Neurologist,Philosopher,Photographer,Video game developer |
The last one, i blog again later. Take care people, thanks rita for the quizzes
I woke up at 11, with a blank state of mind. Terrible headache it may be, i still carry on with what i'm doing. Those late night sleep, all may be caused by one word, "games". Why are computer games just so "magnetic"? In the sense that you would not let your eyes go off the screen when you are playing, nor you want to be distracted while you are playing?
My god, i really have to change this habit of mine. It's getting from bad to worse,f and n paper is coming round tomorrow. Ask me this question, have you studied? Honestly, no. It's not that i do not want to study for it, the f and n book really hypnotises just like chemistry.
I felt that i'm studying another another s-ci-ence ! Its just like biology, burning the pages, dip it in water and drink it up to the brim. Just like what some traditional chinese customs do, its pure memorising!
How much information is the brain going to store? We have 7 different subjects, each subjects has around 20 plus chapters, does it mean that we have to memorise all word by word ? How to study smart for f and n? I do not know, anyone knows instead?
My home is getting noiser as days goes by, the everydays quarrels is decreasing. BUT something more disastrous is happening nowadays, that idiotic brother of mine do not seem to understand human language. He just can't co-operate with my parents and i.
What can be slotted into his mind to make him listen ? Pratically nothing,i just hate those shoutings at home. I really hate it to the core, why can't my home be a home that is noise free? Why can't my home be a home that is so peaceful that you can only hear the sound of the clock ticking at night.
I wished for that day, i also wished for the day that you return to my side. I don't want to live my life in agony, neither do i wanna live my life without you. I feel so empty inside, but the daily smses that you send also cheer me up in every single day of my life. You know, i care for you, and i hope that you know that.
I'm don't sweettalk you, cause what i speak out is the truth. I don't sweettalk, should i put that rather.
Because i love you, you were my strength when i felt so weak, you were my light when i couldn't see. For that i love you, you know it.
My god, i really have to change this habit of mine. It's getting from bad to worse,f and n paper is coming round tomorrow. Ask me this question, have you studied? Honestly, no. It's not that i do not want to study for it, the f and n book really hypnotises just like chemistry.
I felt that i'm studying another another s-ci-ence ! Its just like biology, burning the pages, dip it in water and drink it up to the brim. Just like what some traditional chinese customs do, its pure memorising!
How much information is the brain going to store? We have 7 different subjects, each subjects has around 20 plus chapters, does it mean that we have to memorise all word by word ? How to study smart for f and n? I do not know, anyone knows instead?
My home is getting noiser as days goes by, the everydays quarrels is decreasing. BUT something more disastrous is happening nowadays, that idiotic brother of mine do not seem to understand human language. He just can't co-operate with my parents and i.
What can be slotted into his mind to make him listen ? Pratically nothing,i just hate those shoutings at home. I really hate it to the core, why can't my home be a home that is noise free? Why can't my home be a home that is so peaceful that you can only hear the sound of the clock ticking at night.
I wished for that day, i also wished for the day that you return to my side. I don't want to live my life in agony, neither do i wanna live my life without you. I feel so empty inside, but the daily smses that you send also cheer me up in every single day of my life. You know, i care for you, and i hope that you know that.
I'm don't sweettalk you, cause what i speak out is the truth. I don't sweettalk, should i put that rather.
Because i love you, you were my strength when i felt so weak, you were my light when i couldn't see. For that i love you, you know it.
I found that i have skipped yesterday post, i'm sorry but my blog is becoming stagnant. Mosquitoes are going to breed in here, crows are going to peck those heads of yours, lions are going to eat up the elephants. Life is going to be extraordinary.
I just get so lerthagic when i face the computer over a long period of time. Monday is f and n and still i'm here playing with the case that is so so so cold. Its the CPU! Why does the cpu generates more fascinating things that attract us? Why doesn't books do that?
If books are going to that, whats wrong with 7 a1s at o levels? Sad, by the fact that books doesn't do this. Its our own mindset that controls our studies! Found an interesting, real interesting quote, maybe i can apply it to myself.
Some people wrote this, " Punctuality is the virtue of the bored ". To me, its rather amusing plus idiotic. For people who know what it means, don't you find it rather err....... For people who doesn't know what it means, find out the meaning and judge it.
Throw away your f and n books and pray to god. That will make you pass your f and n. It's a lame strategy, don't ever adapt it. I'm so tired, yesterday history paper was like quite a blessing to me, but results would show.
I didn't have much confidence, i'm glad that i know how to do one question well. No ideas to blog anyway, maybe i would be blogging later, pls fill up the forms with your honest comments.
love you ever since.
I just get so lerthagic when i face the computer over a long period of time. Monday is f and n and still i'm here playing with the case that is so so so cold. Its the CPU! Why does the cpu generates more fascinating things that attract us? Why doesn't books do that?
If books are going to that, whats wrong with 7 a1s at o levels? Sad, by the fact that books doesn't do this. Its our own mindset that controls our studies! Found an interesting, real interesting quote, maybe i can apply it to myself.
Some people wrote this, " Punctuality is the virtue of the bored ". To me, its rather amusing plus idiotic. For people who know what it means, don't you find it rather err....... For people who doesn't know what it means, find out the meaning and judge it.
Throw away your f and n books and pray to god. That will make you pass your f and n. It's a lame strategy, don't ever adapt it. I'm so tired, yesterday history paper was like quite a blessing to me, but results would show.
I didn't have much confidence, i'm glad that i know how to do one question well. No ideas to blog anyway, maybe i would be blogging later, pls fill up the forms with your honest comments.
love you ever since.
Wow, social studies and chemistry paper finally down. Chem paper was a real killer, easy in the sense if i know all the concepts. To me, everything seems so foreign to me, i used all of my memory bit and bit to form up the unknown jigsaw puzzle in my head.
Tomorrow is history, found out that the chapters are like so big for me to memorise. Why, why is this happening to me? Distractions? I can do it last time, why can't i do it now? Never mind anyway, leveled kaying to lvl 70 today.
One whole level, isn't that so great of me? Never mind, this is to show my gratitude of you spending your time after work to help me cope with my prelims. Its getting more and more tensed up this examination period !
Exams exams exams, just as gary said, exams is not memory. Its the SPEED of memory. I agree truly and i can testify for that. Imagine i did not have time to do one essay question of my social studies paper! 13 MARKS! Flew away in an instant. Gosh!
Think of prelims seriously my dear friend. We have the mentality of saying, "prelims only, i work hard for o levels." Until o levels, we would be cooped up in revision as we are revising from scratch. Study a little for the prelims, it helps. If you revise some topics now, you would have lesser to revise for the o levels.
You're clever, everyone can see that and everyone cares for you. Even friends that you just know care for your welfare, studies. Remember, study hard ! Not to the point where you are going to commit suicide, but to the extent that you are doing in 1e1. Remember those times.
After today, i find that its really such a pleasure to help another person charitably. I would continue to do so, maybe good deeds can help me to cleanse my sinS! Ow, crap!
I love you is always stated every day, its boring isn't it? I changed it to.
I love the person that i do not want to lose. AND THATS YOU, i would love you even you are a piggy. DUH.
Tomorrow is history, found out that the chapters are like so big for me to memorise. Why, why is this happening to me? Distractions? I can do it last time, why can't i do it now? Never mind anyway, leveled kaying to lvl 70 today.
One whole level, isn't that so great of me? Never mind, this is to show my gratitude of you spending your time after work to help me cope with my prelims. Its getting more and more tensed up this examination period !
Exams exams exams, just as gary said, exams is not memory. Its the SPEED of memory. I agree truly and i can testify for that. Imagine i did not have time to do one essay question of my social studies paper! 13 MARKS! Flew away in an instant. Gosh!
Think of prelims seriously my dear friend. We have the mentality of saying, "prelims only, i work hard for o levels." Until o levels, we would be cooped up in revision as we are revising from scratch. Study a little for the prelims, it helps. If you revise some topics now, you would have lesser to revise for the o levels.
You're clever, everyone can see that and everyone cares for you. Even friends that you just know care for your welfare, studies. Remember, study hard ! Not to the point where you are going to commit suicide, but to the extent that you are doing in 1e1. Remember those times.
After today, i find that its really such a pleasure to help another person charitably. I would continue to do so, maybe good deeds can help me to cleanse my sinS! Ow, crap!
I love you is always stated every day, its boring isn't it? I changed it to.
I love the person that i do not want to lose. AND THATS YOU, i would love you even you are a piggy. DUH.
Almost thinking of skipping my post for the day. Due to much popularity of this reserved space of mine, i have to blog. O my, self praise again, its real international disgrace. Do i sound "emo" as in emotional?
Thanks to tammy for giving me that praise. I really appreciate it. Thanks alot. You're apparently the first person to say that to me. Anyway, thanks again. Met kaying yesterday at macdonalds, she was trying real hard to teach me chem.
Unfortunately, after leaving school for two years, even an 8 point grader for o levels forget what she have actually studied. Thanks alot too for helping me, actually i understand quite a number of concepts under your guidance. Omg, this is a praise for sure.
Kaying was waiting for me at the mac, and i was late as usual. I reached there, i ate, she teach english, chem, blah blah blah. One thing that strike my memory was that "NCC GUY". I was laughing my ass off, kaying was making fun of her junior!
"IS this planet earth? Why am i studying? Why am i here?" She was talking in the perspective of that ncc guy. AND further more, she was imitating the guy! O my, thats lame but its real funny. I was reckoned as a shortie after which. I remember that for life!
Today english paper was somehow easy, somehow difficult. I do not even know if i had write out of point for my essay. Gosh, i used stylish writing in my essay! I'm learn too much from MR GOH SIN TUB. I simply love his writings, his stories.
Anyway, tomorrow is chemistry. Thats a subject thats a real killer for me, should i burn midnite oil today? Yes i should to a certain extent. After i finish my chemistry and ss revision, i would pounce onto my bed. and have a good night sleep.
You're certainly not a lousy loser, you not a loser at all to me. You're always a winner. A winner whos achievements are etched real close to my heart. Remember, i'm always there, for sure. I would be there even if you were to walk right into the heart of the ocean.
I love you, i really do.
Thanks to tammy for giving me that praise. I really appreciate it. Thanks alot. You're apparently the first person to say that to me. Anyway, thanks again. Met kaying yesterday at macdonalds, she was trying real hard to teach me chem.
Unfortunately, after leaving school for two years, even an 8 point grader for o levels forget what she have actually studied. Thanks alot too for helping me, actually i understand quite a number of concepts under your guidance. Omg, this is a praise for sure.
Kaying was waiting for me at the mac, and i was late as usual. I reached there, i ate, she teach english, chem, blah blah blah. One thing that strike my memory was that "NCC GUY". I was laughing my ass off, kaying was making fun of her junior!
"IS this planet earth? Why am i studying? Why am i here?" She was talking in the perspective of that ncc guy. AND further more, she was imitating the guy! O my, thats lame but its real funny. I was reckoned as a shortie after which. I remember that for life!
Today english paper was somehow easy, somehow difficult. I do not even know if i had write out of point for my essay. Gosh, i used stylish writing in my essay! I'm learn too much from MR GOH SIN TUB. I simply love his writings, his stories.
Anyway, tomorrow is chemistry. Thats a subject thats a real killer for me, should i burn midnite oil today? Yes i should to a certain extent. After i finish my chemistry and ss revision, i would pounce onto my bed. and have a good night sleep.
You're certainly not a lousy loser, you not a loser at all to me. You're always a winner. A winner whos achievements are etched real close to my heart. Remember, i'm always there, for sure. I would be there even if you were to walk right into the heart of the ocean.
I love you, i really do.
One pathetic wall, so arduous that one can't push it away, or crush it just by physical strength. Friable as it may be, it only depends on the mental strength that you are to have. What for add this constraint into this friendship of ours? What's happening?
Is this a retribution or is this a dramatic play? So what should be named as this? " Irony of life? ". The barrier is really right in front of my very eyes, right in front of my very heart. Who can take it away, you ask yourself. I do not know how to answer you.
Shu ning, i really envy you for putting down ur sorrows in life and live your life to the fullest. With your family around, your friends around, your partner around. Thinking of it, is this that difficult to acheive? Is life expecting too much of me? Or i'm expecting too much from it.
Hallucinations appear whenever i'm feeling so low. I see stars gliding in the endless night sky, that scene was certainly magnificent. At that moment, i would think, think about the how would it be so great to have time stopping at this very moment.
If it was forever like this, i do not mind living for another decade perhaps another century. Why are people borned the mentality to yearn for power? Why must there be a boss? Why must there always be a bigger position for everything in life.
Can't human beings be borned with the mentality of sharing and giving ? God, this would let me think that you are really not almighty after all. Although it would be so boring to live in a world with everyone of the same characteristic. Would it be more exciting to live in a world of human beings who are lack of conscience?
Friends, they claim they are there for you in your hour of need. What does friendship truly means? Does friendship means creating a barrier considering the welfare of another friend ? For this, i reckon friendship as "sucky". So by doing this, it helps me? It brigthens up my day? I tell you straight, you know who you are. This doesn't help me, instead of losing one, i lost two important people at a go.
Never mind, i go by you wish, if you still choose to continue this path of yours, so be it. Make a clean break of friendship, you wont have to hold on to this burden. Thats what you wish? I doubt not so.
I didn't expect too much from life. Life is taking away too much from me, have someone ever wonder? We slog for? We study for? We do everything for?.
I'm spending my days in solitude without you, i need you because i love you.
Is this a retribution or is this a dramatic play? So what should be named as this? " Irony of life? ". The barrier is really right in front of my very eyes, right in front of my very heart. Who can take it away, you ask yourself. I do not know how to answer you.
Shu ning, i really envy you for putting down ur sorrows in life and live your life to the fullest. With your family around, your friends around, your partner around. Thinking of it, is this that difficult to acheive? Is life expecting too much of me? Or i'm expecting too much from it.
Hallucinations appear whenever i'm feeling so low. I see stars gliding in the endless night sky, that scene was certainly magnificent. At that moment, i would think, think about the how would it be so great to have time stopping at this very moment.
If it was forever like this, i do not mind living for another decade perhaps another century. Why are people borned the mentality to yearn for power? Why must there be a boss? Why must there always be a bigger position for everything in life.
Can't human beings be borned with the mentality of sharing and giving ? God, this would let me think that you are really not almighty after all. Although it would be so boring to live in a world with everyone of the same characteristic. Would it be more exciting to live in a world of human beings who are lack of conscience?
Friends, they claim they are there for you in your hour of need. What does friendship truly means? Does friendship means creating a barrier considering the welfare of another friend ? For this, i reckon friendship as "sucky". So by doing this, it helps me? It brigthens up my day? I tell you straight, you know who you are. This doesn't help me, instead of losing one, i lost two important people at a go.
Never mind, i go by you wish, if you still choose to continue this path of yours, so be it. Make a clean break of friendship, you wont have to hold on to this burden. Thats what you wish? I doubt not so.
I didn't expect too much from life. Life is taking away too much from me, have someone ever wonder? We slog for? We study for? We do everything for?.
I'm spending my days in solitude without you, i need you because i love you.
When i was still young,
everything was so pure and innocent.
I saw everything in black and white,
for all the things were so obvious.
Either right or wrong,
no arguments, no pros, no cons.
Choices were precise.
Pure and joyous clarity
gave me a simple life.
When i grew and learned to face the world,
i felt so unprepared.
Black and white turned gray.
My unfaltering vision failed,
focus left my pure and innocent eyes.
Cause choices were once so obvious,
i can't tell right and wrong.
Today i'm a teenager,
living in a world that nothing is clear.
I'm seeing through an adult's eyes,
for it be a child's biggest fear.
I stepped into this very world, leaving my childhood, in search for a better future. Some of the things can be articulated, others cannot. What is this world of mine coming to? A world there i am slotted between right and wrong?
A world that there are no clarity to be seeken? Or even a world that life is not worth to be continue. Who can take me by the hand, stand by me in my hour of need or rather chase away all my doubts and fears.
The irony of life cannot be explained, even a croco hunter fighting the world's most dangerous reptile, can be killed by an stingray, moving so gracefully in water. The message that god is trying to convey, never judge a book by its cover.
The phrase seemed so easy and yet so difficult. No one can ever understand, when is the time that life would call and end for you. No one is able to predict when is the time, where we can see light out of this imaginary elongated tunnel of ourselves.
No one, pratically none.
everything was so pure and innocent.
I saw everything in black and white,
for all the things were so obvious.
Either right or wrong,
no arguments, no pros, no cons.
Choices were precise.
Pure and joyous clarity
gave me a simple life.
When i grew and learned to face the world,
i felt so unprepared.
Black and white turned gray.
My unfaltering vision failed,
focus left my pure and innocent eyes.
Cause choices were once so obvious,
i can't tell right and wrong.
Today i'm a teenager,
living in a world that nothing is clear.
I'm seeing through an adult's eyes,
for it be a child's biggest fear.
I stepped into this very world, leaving my childhood, in search for a better future. Some of the things can be articulated, others cannot. What is this world of mine coming to? A world there i am slotted between right and wrong?
A world that there are no clarity to be seeken? Or even a world that life is not worth to be continue. Who can take me by the hand, stand by me in my hour of need or rather chase away all my doubts and fears.
The irony of life cannot be explained, even a croco hunter fighting the world's most dangerous reptile, can be killed by an stingray, moving so gracefully in water. The message that god is trying to convey, never judge a book by its cover.
The phrase seemed so easy and yet so difficult. No one can ever understand, when is the time that life would call and end for you. No one is able to predict when is the time, where we can see light out of this imaginary elongated tunnel of ourselves.
No one, pratically none.
School is starting again in a few hours time, thinking of what i've been doing these few days or rather one week of my holiday. Pratically nothing. Nothing as in nothing fruitful. Yes, i did bury myself in books. But only for around 4 hours throughout the whole holiday.
I'm guilty of what i've been doing. I feel so bad.Exams are coming and i'm still on this track of playing. Tell you what, i would change now. Right now! Reflecting on my actions from yesterday, reflecting on what i have carried out through my actions to my friends around me.
Guys, if you feel any uncomfortable with me. Feel free to speak your mind out, i would do my best to change it as soon as possible. I've been thinking about this word, F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P, since yesterday night.
I just can't figure out a definition from it. What does F means? What does R means ? etc... I just can't figure it out. I been burying myself into mapling this holiday. From the moment i wake up till the moment i end my end, never an hour is short of maple! Be it between conversations, or inside the game.
I need to adapt to the intense studying life now. Tuesday is my first paper, or rather my science pratical. To be serious, i know a shit about chemistry. I tried to force myself to listen real hard in the chemistry lesson, but one thing is that, my brain cells is always sleeping after half and hour of real listening.
I'm always hypnotised in chemistry lessons. I really do not know why, its not the teacher's fault, its mine. My own foundation of chemistry is weakened ever since the day i learn chemistry that was two years ago.
Two years later, my mindset is situated that "study also fail, never study also fail, might as well not study". When is the time that i can ever get back on the right track again. The power of regret is really that disastrous that i do not even want to taste it.
I do not even want to have a feel of it. I was thinking about lots of things yesterday, and i thought of this thing. I thought of the definition of "losers". A loser is certainly not someone who loses in the form of a competition etc. Or rather a winner is definetely not just a person who wins something and bring glory for something, someone or himself.
Remember, there are black and white portions of life. There are also gray sectors that cannot be explained. To me, a winner is someone who unleashed his/her own potential, put in his/her very best in doing something. Thats a winnner.
However, on the other hand, a loser is a person who fails to unleash his/her stored potential, thats a loser to me. A loser is also someone that let their head rule over their heart.
No man is given 25 hours a day. Each and every person living on this planet earth have 24 hours a day. Its how we manage it, how we use it, how we waste it. Time is always impartial, its only that we have took it for granted. When things start to have a different turn, we would push all the blames to time, without having reflecting ourselves.
So, lets now grab hold of what we have. Do not let opportunities slip past our hands. As a saying goes, strike when the iron is hot. Perk up ourselves and get ourselves a life. A life that we would not regret for an entire lifetime.
For my fellow maplers especially guild Lucidious, i miss you guys certainly. I would be back after the o levels. Thanks for the help you guys gave and remember do not sacrifice too much time in maple! If not you would become,
I'm guilty of what i've been doing. I feel so bad.Exams are coming and i'm still on this track of playing. Tell you what, i would change now. Right now! Reflecting on my actions from yesterday, reflecting on what i have carried out through my actions to my friends around me.
Guys, if you feel any uncomfortable with me. Feel free to speak your mind out, i would do my best to change it as soon as possible. I've been thinking about this word, F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P, since yesterday night.
I just can't figure out a definition from it. What does F means? What does R means ? etc... I just can't figure it out. I been burying myself into mapling this holiday. From the moment i wake up till the moment i end my end, never an hour is short of maple! Be it between conversations, or inside the game.
I need to adapt to the intense studying life now. Tuesday is my first paper, or rather my science pratical. To be serious, i know a shit about chemistry. I tried to force myself to listen real hard in the chemistry lesson, but one thing is that, my brain cells is always sleeping after half and hour of real listening.
I'm always hypnotised in chemistry lessons. I really do not know why, its not the teacher's fault, its mine. My own foundation of chemistry is weakened ever since the day i learn chemistry that was two years ago.
Two years later, my mindset is situated that "study also fail, never study also fail, might as well not study". When is the time that i can ever get back on the right track again. The power of regret is really that disastrous that i do not even want to taste it.
I do not even want to have a feel of it. I was thinking about lots of things yesterday, and i thought of this thing. I thought of the definition of "losers". A loser is certainly not someone who loses in the form of a competition etc. Or rather a winner is definetely not just a person who wins something and bring glory for something, someone or himself.
Remember, there are black and white portions of life. There are also gray sectors that cannot be explained. To me, a winner is someone who unleashed his/her own potential, put in his/her very best in doing something. Thats a winnner.
However, on the other hand, a loser is a person who fails to unleash his/her stored potential, thats a loser to me. A loser is also someone that let their head rule over their heart.
No man is given 25 hours a day. Each and every person living on this planet earth have 24 hours a day. Its how we manage it, how we use it, how we waste it. Time is always impartial, its only that we have took it for granted. When things start to have a different turn, we would push all the blames to time, without having reflecting ourselves.
So, lets now grab hold of what we have. Do not let opportunities slip past our hands. As a saying goes, strike when the iron is hot. Perk up ourselves and get ourselves a life. A life that we would not regret for an entire lifetime.
For my fellow maplers especially guild Lucidious, i miss you guys certainly. I would be back after the o levels. Thanks for the help you guys gave and remember do not sacrifice too much time in maple! If not you would become,

Hatred in that bloodshot eyes of his, he thought i love scolding him. My heart breaks everything after i scold him, but how will he ever understand. He bear grudges against me, i hope everything would be fine after his maturity.
My blog is really rotting nowadays, its not that i do not want to post. I do not actually know what to post about. Life is getting more and more boring for me. My brain cells are not working at all.
They do not want to vibrate. Molecular vibrations is not functioning, neither is free electron diffusion. Even now, my miind is about physics. PRELIMS! They are pouncing hard on me, so hard that i can't push it away and get up on my feet.
Up till this point of time, i still insist on my point. I don't want to leave school so early. I miss so many things of this particular school ! I miss the canteen food, i would miss the teachers, i would miss those monkey buisness. AND CERTAINLY, i would miss HER!
Like others, how i wish time would stop here. I would be able to enjoy the last few weeks for school life that i have. Just in two more weeks, after the going through of the prelim papers, we would be gone.
She's just out there, just out there. I close my eyes, i would think of her. My hands would feel rather "cold" without hers clinging onto mine. I miss the warmth, i miss those times. I miss her.
My blog is really rotting nowadays, its not that i do not want to post. I do not actually know what to post about. Life is getting more and more boring for me. My brain cells are not working at all.
They do not want to vibrate. Molecular vibrations is not functioning, neither is free electron diffusion. Even now, my miind is about physics. PRELIMS! They are pouncing hard on me, so hard that i can't push it away and get up on my feet.
Up till this point of time, i still insist on my point. I don't want to leave school so early. I miss so many things of this particular school ! I miss the canteen food, i would miss the teachers, i would miss those monkey buisness. AND CERTAINLY, i would miss HER!
Like others, how i wish time would stop here. I would be able to enjoy the last few weeks for school life that i have. Just in two more weeks, after the going through of the prelim papers, we would be gone.
She's just out there, just out there. I close my eyes, i would think of her. My hands would feel rather "cold" without hers clinging onto mine. I miss the warmth, i miss those times. I miss her.
There are many things money can buy, there are also some things money can't buy. I'm not exactly rich physically, but i'm rich when it comes to my feelings for you truly. I'm loaded with passion wholehearthly. Seeing you giving a smile, a laugh, or even a joke, is far better than a million dollars transferred into my bank account.
Seeing you sad, depressed or down, is worse that losing a million dollars without my knowledge. I'm doing my own best, to walk down this unforgiving path. No matter where it leads me to, i would carry on. For this is the path i chose, for this is the path i know, for this is path that lead me to the key that can open the gate of happiness.
As william shakesphere has a quote, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. " Bless your mind with thoughts, i blessed mine with thoughts and i'm willing to follow my mind. Dizzy spells are being casted on me today. I felt so dizzy, so restless, do not even know if i have the energy to revise later.
My days of the holidays, starts at 11 and ends at 4. I only slept 7 hours a day even in the holidays. Prelim exams are drawing so near, so near that using two hands of the fingers can actually count down the days. Sheer confidence revolving in me, i'm real scared.
I love you, i always do.
Seeing you sad, depressed or down, is worse that losing a million dollars without my knowledge. I'm doing my own best, to walk down this unforgiving path. No matter where it leads me to, i would carry on. For this is the path i chose, for this is the path i know, for this is path that lead me to the key that can open the gate of happiness.
As william shakesphere has a quote, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. " Bless your mind with thoughts, i blessed mine with thoughts and i'm willing to follow my mind. Dizzy spells are being casted on me today. I felt so dizzy, so restless, do not even know if i have the energy to revise later.
My days of the holidays, starts at 11 and ends at 4. I only slept 7 hours a day even in the holidays. Prelim exams are drawing so near, so near that using two hands of the fingers can actually count down the days. Sheer confidence revolving in me, i'm real scared.
I love you, i always do.
Yesterday news pop up, steve irwin was dead after bitten by stingray. He was the one who actually tamed the world's most dangerous reptile. But with bitter irony, he was dead after the deadly stingray bit him on the chest.
A stingray is a passive animal and would only attack when its treathened. Salute him guys, for without him, there would not be any croco documentary on kids central. He was also a person that made an austrailian zoo a famous tourist attraction.
He pass on without any regrets, i think his only regrets is he haven't had the chance to finish the documentary of underwater deadly animals.Lets salute to this world wildlife saviour.
Is there a saying that, good things always come to an end? I tried to change my perspective yesterday, but in the end. I cannot make it. Your cabilistic mask of yours now make me look at so many person twice before i actually trust someone and say, " hey , u're my friend."
How lame, anyway. Spend my time studying as well as playing is much more exciting for me. It beats thinking and thinking. For now, i don't need to know the answer. I stand by your decision, feel free to tell me when you actually arrive at a decision.
Greatest thanks to mrs ramos for praising me for the things that i have done. I will strive hard in life, as i know, nearby there is someone that cares.
I love you, and i certainly. I do not want to lose you much as i want you back badly.
A stingray is a passive animal and would only attack when its treathened. Salute him guys, for without him, there would not be any croco documentary on kids central. He was also a person that made an austrailian zoo a famous tourist attraction.
He pass on without any regrets, i think his only regrets is he haven't had the chance to finish the documentary of underwater deadly animals.Lets salute to this world wildlife saviour.
Is there a saying that, good things always come to an end? I tried to change my perspective yesterday, but in the end. I cannot make it. Your cabilistic mask of yours now make me look at so many person twice before i actually trust someone and say, " hey , u're my friend."
How lame, anyway. Spend my time studying as well as playing is much more exciting for me. It beats thinking and thinking. For now, i don't need to know the answer. I stand by your decision, feel free to tell me when you actually arrive at a decision.
Greatest thanks to mrs ramos for praising me for the things that i have done. I will strive hard in life, as i know, nearby there is someone that cares.
I love you, and i certainly. I do not want to lose you much as i want you back badly.
Close ur eyes for a moment, imagine waking up early in the morning with the door wide open for you.
Birds soar above the azure blue sky, a plot of field awaiting your first step. Animals grazing on ur plot of land, flowers blossom as if it was springtime. The scence was so magnificent, you wished that it can last forever.
How you wish that this scene would stay put there for the rest of your entire life. How you wish that life was not moving in such a fast pace now. If there were so many how i wish, my assets would probarbly overtake bill gates now.
A wish, whats a wish? A desire? a strong inclination? for a specific thing. Wishes only appear when you actually work for it. Try slacking your whole life and wait for god to drop gold coins from the sky.
Will he ? If someone were to say he will, try taking a hammer to knock that head of him. Don't you guys agree? We have to work towards our wish,wishes doesn't appear in reality. So whats the real point of runing away from reality, the truth is the truth.
There is none other than one explanation from everything in life. We have a reason whenever we do something, the same old reason ever. Nothing ever changes. We are in a repeative schedule every single day.
Who appears in our life to save us from this boring stages of life? Its not god, its not an angel. For me, its you. With you, my world can be more colourful. You can paint my world from a black and white, to a colour of a rainbow.
Will you give me a chance once again? I really love your presence, your laughter, the way you smile. I really can't, i really can't, i really can't be without your presence. Your sweetness is much akin to the taste of sugar.
Every inch of you can cheer me up when i'm feeling down. Can i have a chance once again? I need you because i love you. I really wish to know the answer, i really really wish.
Birds soar above the azure blue sky, a plot of field awaiting your first step. Animals grazing on ur plot of land, flowers blossom as if it was springtime. The scence was so magnificent, you wished that it can last forever.
How you wish that this scene would stay put there for the rest of your entire life. How you wish that life was not moving in such a fast pace now. If there were so many how i wish, my assets would probarbly overtake bill gates now.
A wish, whats a wish? A desire? a strong inclination? for a specific thing. Wishes only appear when you actually work for it. Try slacking your whole life and wait for god to drop gold coins from the sky.
Will he ? If someone were to say he will, try taking a hammer to knock that head of him. Don't you guys agree? We have to work towards our wish,wishes doesn't appear in reality. So whats the real point of runing away from reality, the truth is the truth.
There is none other than one explanation from everything in life. We have a reason whenever we do something, the same old reason ever. Nothing ever changes. We are in a repeative schedule every single day.
Who appears in our life to save us from this boring stages of life? Its not god, its not an angel. For me, its you. With you, my world can be more colourful. You can paint my world from a black and white, to a colour of a rainbow.
Will you give me a chance once again? I really love your presence, your laughter, the way you smile. I really can't, i really can't, i really can't be without your presence. Your sweetness is much akin to the taste of sugar.
Every inch of you can cheer me up when i'm feeling down. Can i have a chance once again? I need you because i love you. I really wish to know the answer, i really really wish.
I'm sick, i can't do anything, i can't go anywhere. Whats the reason? I'm sick. I've been grinning over someone's sorrow. I think i have my retribution now. Intended to spend this one week holiday studying, but at this stage? God save me, i want to get well !
Teacher's day ended in an instant, this would be my last year celebrating for the teachers that i cherish. How i wish, everything did not move in such a fast pace. Thanks to mrs ramos for saying that my poem was beautiful.
Went to study with peggy yesterday afternoon, yeah, i'm lazy. But i managed to learn something. I learnt the El tacado! Thanks to peggy, for passing me her greatest knowledge. It has been two days since i actually update this blog of mine.
Intution had not come into my mind since two days ago. I'm so held up with things. I want to take a break. I can't, i can't. Everything in my world is moving at such a fast pace. How many more days is o levels approaching?
Passing grades for the o levels is definetely not the results i want to acheive. I want something higher than that. Imagine all C6s? It would add up to 30 in the L1R4. Where can i actually go? Nowhere!
Prelims are drawing near. Confidence? 40%! What can i acheive like this? I'm so afraid that i would flunk my prelim papers. I'm so afraid, i'm so afraid.
Take care of yourself, and at the same time be careful of the weather there.
Teacher's day ended in an instant, this would be my last year celebrating for the teachers that i cherish. How i wish, everything did not move in such a fast pace. Thanks to mrs ramos for saying that my poem was beautiful.
Went to study with peggy yesterday afternoon, yeah, i'm lazy. But i managed to learn something. I learnt the El tacado! Thanks to peggy, for passing me her greatest knowledge. It has been two days since i actually update this blog of mine.
Intution had not come into my mind since two days ago. I'm so held up with things. I want to take a break. I can't, i can't. Everything in my world is moving at such a fast pace. How many more days is o levels approaching?
Passing grades for the o levels is definetely not the results i want to acheive. I want something higher than that. Imagine all C6s? It would add up to 30 in the L1R4. Where can i actually go? Nowhere!
Prelims are drawing near. Confidence? 40%! What can i acheive like this? I'm so afraid that i would flunk my prelim papers. I'm so afraid, i'm so afraid.
Take care of yourself, and at the same time be careful of the weather there.