Monday, May 18, 2009 | Author: Ivan Juntian
Has been long time since I blogged...

Had a long chat today, with darling, jasmine and shenny. Is it one of the darkest secrets sessions? I found out today, having a partner that you really understand and love, its one of the most impossible thing ever.

I'm lucky I know that, to have darling. I cherish every single moment, to find out that some people doesn't do the same. I thought for a moment on this phrase, "Dominant in a relationship".

I mean, should it be one party dominating the relationship? Or should it be both parties giving in to one another ?

In my opinion, relationships between couples should be open, so as to confinde anything happy or unhappy to your partner.

In my mind, everything is blank, I'm a lucky man and I'm sure I can say that =).
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