For the very first time, I pondered about my future.
I thought of what life offers me in 3 years time. In the blink of an eye, 3 years is going to pass soon. I thought of my future job, I thought of marriages, I thought of simply the word, 'Future'.
When anyone asked me, what do you want to be in future. I would say, I haven't think about it.. Yet deep inside, i thought, what can i do?
I felt family support when i went to my grandma place today. I saw for myself how united can one big family be, and how nice is it to have a family gathering. Although it may be once in a million years, but i really feel it was worth it spending my time there.
I'm just being so random here.
The working environment is seriously kut lat.
Huat zai! Tomorrow JAPANESE TEST. OMGS.
Whenever there is a test tomorrow, i would always tell myself.
*Inside me
- AH boy ar, must study ar
- AH boy ar, cannot play computer ar
- AH boy ar, must get good results ar
It carrys on and on and on and on ......
I will be studying, but only for 15-30 mins where I flip open my textbook, and then...
*Inside me
- Wa knn, so difficult, study also fail, haiya go play awhile then say la
ISH! Study session ended. Next morning start to kan jiong,
*Inside me
- Wa na bei, siao liao la, ji pai hong kan.. Really must pia to memorise.
This is how I always approach my quizzes. HOW SIA? Like that cannot work !
Whenever there is a test tomorrow, i would always tell myself.
*Inside me
- AH boy ar, must study ar
- AH boy ar, cannot play computer ar
- AH boy ar, must get good results ar
It carrys on and on and on and on ......
I will be studying, but only for 15-30 mins where I flip open my textbook, and then...
*Inside me
- Wa knn, so difficult, study also fail, haiya go play awhile then say la
ISH! Study session ended. Next morning start to kan jiong,
*Inside me
- Wa na bei, siao liao la, ji pai hong kan.. Really must pia to memorise.
This is how I always approach my quizzes. HOW SIA? Like that cannot work !
I'm back. O my, I'm just too tired to do blogging. Im busy finding a blogskin when i bumped into this. Credits to the desginer who desgined this. This blog template is simply wonderful. =)
God knows, I started to have illusions of the future. My future job, my future wife, my future family, my future home. Wow, it just goes on and on. It just bothers me when I think of the future.
Certainly, I envy "AH XIA KIA", or "AH XIA KIA" with appearances. Their past life deeds must have been so great that they are born with this status clinging on to them. Ya, I work for what I want, but the amount of jealousy still fills a place in my heart.
Anyway, one thing I can be proud of myself, is that I have a wonderful family , wonderful friends and of course A wonderful girlfriend ( although she beats me up sometimes).
Its just fun being with her seriously. I don't know how bore life would be without her. I liiiiub you, ah bao kia. LOL
God knows, I started to have illusions of the future. My future job, my future wife, my future family, my future home. Wow, it just goes on and on. It just bothers me when I think of the future.
Certainly, I envy "AH XIA KIA", or "AH XIA KIA" with appearances. Their past life deeds must have been so great that they are born with this status clinging on to them. Ya, I work for what I want, but the amount of jealousy still fills a place in my heart.
Anyway, one thing I can be proud of myself, is that I have a wonderful family , wonderful friends and of course A wonderful girlfriend ( although she beats me up sometimes).
Its just fun being with her seriously. I don't know how bore life would be without her. I liiiiub you, ah bao kia. LOL
I had been too nonchalant in handling my stuffs. I really had. I thought of myself first before others. I dissapointed someone real badly, I can feel the piercing in her heart. She had always been the one, always there for me when I needed help.
Yet, I can still made her so dissapointed. Being at such an age, I can still do these things wrongly, I can still not think of any consequences before I do anything. Everytime things happen, then I would start to think back. I would start to think where gone wrong, what gone wrong.
Fuck myself...
I would want to change but action speaks louder than words. Nothing I say will retrieve the dissapointment you had in your heart, I broke that precious little heart once again. I'm truly sorry.
I seem to be not good in handling my emotions, I blame myself for that.
Darling, You're my one and only. I love you.
Yet, I can still made her so dissapointed. Being at such an age, I can still do these things wrongly, I can still not think of any consequences before I do anything. Everytime things happen, then I would start to think back. I would start to think where gone wrong, what gone wrong.
Fuck myself...
I would want to change but action speaks louder than words. Nothing I say will retrieve the dissapointment you had in your heart, I broke that precious little heart once again. I'm truly sorry.
I seem to be not good in handling my emotions, I blame myself for that.
Darling, You're my one and only. I love you.
Has been long time since I blogged...
Had a long chat today, with darling, jasmine and shenny. Is it one of the darkest secrets sessions? I found out today, having a partner that you really understand and love, its one of the most impossible thing ever.
I'm lucky I know that, to have darling. I cherish every single moment, to find out that some people doesn't do the same. I thought for a moment on this phrase, "Dominant in a relationship".
I mean, should it be one party dominating the relationship? Or should it be both parties giving in to one another ?
In my opinion, relationships between couples should be open, so as to confinde anything happy or unhappy to your partner.
In my mind, everything is blank, I'm a lucky man and I'm sure I can say that =).
Had a long chat today, with darling, jasmine and shenny. Is it one of the darkest secrets sessions? I found out today, having a partner that you really understand and love, its one of the most impossible thing ever.
I'm lucky I know that, to have darling. I cherish every single moment, to find out that some people doesn't do the same. I thought for a moment on this phrase, "Dominant in a relationship".
I mean, should it be one party dominating the relationship? Or should it be both parties giving in to one another ?
In my opinion, relationships between couples should be open, so as to confinde anything happy or unhappy to your partner.
In my mind, everything is blank, I'm a lucky man and I'm sure I can say that =).
i found out, and had a better understanding of myself... How dreadful is it on the first day i went to fuchun secondary.
After 5 days of teaching, i felt that i have impart knowledge to people i didn't know. Yes they were a bunch of monkeys the first day i stepped into the class, but somehow after, i felt that i stepped back into my secondary school life.
Mutual respect is all that we needed back then. If i was as eager to learn back then, i would have gained more in that period of my life. I regretted... Why haven't i put in much effort.
i hope they will continue to have the spirit of learning... I missed the secondary school life, although nonsensical, i can still say its the best part of my life.
That was the period also how i met my wonderful girlfriend. I love you eileen goh.
After 5 days of teaching, i felt that i have impart knowledge to people i didn't know. Yes they were a bunch of monkeys the first day i stepped into the class, but somehow after, i felt that i stepped back into my secondary school life.
Mutual respect is all that we needed back then. If i was as eager to learn back then, i would have gained more in that period of my life. I regretted... Why haven't i put in much effort.
i hope they will continue to have the spirit of learning... I missed the secondary school life, although nonsensical, i can still say its the best part of my life.
That was the period also how i met my wonderful girlfriend. I love you eileen goh.
OMGS, Im lost for worrrrrds
Some things, kept in my heart today.
I feel so guilty towards you, I'm really very sorry.
1) I should have been there earlier, should have kicked the habit of being late.
2) I shouldn't have been so full of myself, asuming I know everything, when actually I knew nothing.
3) I should have been more understanding against you.
I feel I should have done all those mentioned. I won't want to do it again... I could have been a better person. But why, why hasn't I been changing my mindset, yet to hurt you once again.
I shouldn't have done all those...
I feel so guilty towards you, I'm really very sorry.
1) I should have been there earlier, should have kicked the habit of being late.
2) I shouldn't have been so full of myself, asuming I know everything, when actually I knew nothing.
3) I should have been more understanding against you.
I feel I should have done all those mentioned. I won't want to do it again... I could have been a better person. But why, why hasn't I been changing my mindset, yet to hurt you once again.
I shouldn't have done all those...
Something happened miraclly today. I'm actually blogging! O my!
Anyway, I saw a rainbow today after the pouring rain in the late afternoon. You all must be thinking, who never ever see a rainbow before? Sad to sasy, its my first time looking at a rainbow FADING away.
That event makes me stand and ponder for a moment, I kept thinking, beautiful things always comes to an end. How nice would it be if the clouds didnt cover the colorful rainbow.
Exams coming to an end tomorrow, start of the holidays! I NEED A BLOODY JOB!
Anyway, I saw a rainbow today after the pouring rain in the late afternoon. You all must be thinking, who never ever see a rainbow before? Sad to sasy, its my first time looking at a rainbow FADING away.
That event makes me stand and ponder for a moment, I kept thinking, beautiful things always comes to an end. How nice would it be if the clouds didnt cover the colorful rainbow.
Exams coming to an end tomorrow, start of the holidays! I NEED A BLOODY JOB!
I do not know how to describe my feelings right now, I can only say... Due to neglection, I've become the "free riders" in a project. O my, my heart, is feeling real down.
How do i explain myself in this situation? I understand every single thing is not an excuse, but i do not want to be like that myself =(. Im stressed, I stressed till my eyes are watery. But who understand it so much like I do myself?
I'm dependant on darling. Whenever Im feeling so stress, talking to her would be so much better. Her voice, her laughter, her understanding.
Thank you, I do not know how life would be, if i haven't meet you.
Darling, all the best for your driving test!
How do i explain myself in this situation? I understand every single thing is not an excuse, but i do not want to be like that myself =(. Im stressed, I stressed till my eyes are watery. But who understand it so much like I do myself?
I'm dependant on darling. Whenever Im feeling so stress, talking to her would be so much better. Her voice, her laughter, her understanding.
Thank you, I do not know how life would be, if i haven't meet you.
Darling, all the best for your driving test!
I missed the 10 million draw =), not even two numbers on the same row horizontally! =( The semester is coming to an end, I'll blog more after that =).
I thought that it would be time to start blogging. Wow, the chinese new year was a bore. My angpaos are following the economic downturn this year, and after two days of gong xi here gong xi there, i just managed to fetch a small sum of money compared to the past years.
Wonder why i gone missing for almost the whole month? I been looking at my blog every single time i open my mozilla browser, but there is really nothing that intersts me so much in life right now.
The world is turning, my hands and legs are tired, to carry on with this stressful life. How i wish i could just close my eyes, hug my baoyu, and fall asleep for the rest of my years.
My dream...
Wonder why i gone missing for almost the whole month? I been looking at my blog every single time i open my mozilla browser, but there is really nothing that intersts me so much in life right now.
The world is turning, my hands and legs are tired, to carry on with this stressful life. How i wish i could just close my eyes, hug my baoyu, and fall asleep for the rest of my years.
My dream...