Haven been updating for quite some time. How are you guys? O ya, all of you must be thinking if im still alive. Yes, I'm alive and kicking =). Just that, I just finished my last paper today. Omg, it was damn scary. I just wish that I will pass it =(.
Sorry for the links not put up at my blog. I try to do it someday when i got the mood. I just can't copy and paste the code in this blog skin. I must link everyone one by one.
Anyway, I got a job at Starhub. HIVR i supposed? What is it suppose to mean? The simplest form of definition I can give you is, answering call. Yeas, of course its not easy answering those stupid calls.
Imagine, just imagine if you got a customer calling you and scolding you for no reason. Screaming and shouting over the phone and making stupid ghostly sounds. What would you do? Or rather, WHAT can you do?
BAOBEIIX, here i pray for you. May everything go fine for you on your start of the new term. May you be more tolerant against that screwdriver kia, and lastly may you not pon cause of her. WAHAHAHA.
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