I feel so drifted apart from what I consider cliques. Anyway, don't really wish to be talking about it, maybe I'm over thinking...
I yearn to be rich somehow. I want to be
I'm down with serious flu. I remember once I saw at the polyclinic the symptoms of normal flu and another flu which affect the lungs. I didn't know what got over me, suddenly I wish to blog out my thoughts.
I really had a great time with darling on Wednesdays. Nothing can really replace her smiles she always have on Wednesdays. Yeas, and today we went for lunch at subway. She simply loves subway so much. Every bite of the sandwich, you can see her cute little happy face.
But things didn't turned out fine later, Thanks so much Darling that you offered to watch quarantine with me. The movie, was gross, I wanted to puke so much inside the cinema. So sorry, I recommended such a noob movie today. The camera was so shaky that I wanted to puke even more.
If you ever asked to give review of the movie itself, I would not give any good rating. The idea was creative as in to shoot in the perspective of a camera lenses. Somehow, the ending made everyone in the cinema so unhappy. One even threw pop corn towards the screen. GRR.
But of course, you can try watching if you like to see nothing out of a movie. I would not ever ever watch any horror movies like this again with Darling.
Anyway, term test is drawing to an end. Hope my sickness would recover soon =)). Darling's shagness too!
EileenGoh, Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, loving you was what i had no control over. I remember the day forever 051106 =)
Madagascar rocks, Although it gets a little boring in some scences, I love the way they present their emoticons. Laughable, Cryable, Smilable, I can only say Darling was laughing all the way in the movie. =))
Worst thing of all, I came accross a joke today, in some video sites.
Can anyone tell me the language of the song?
Its was actually named "JAPANESE LANGUAGE SONG" in the website.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
You know, I think that I should add my colors to my blog to make it look more presentable. Just by looking at the blog myself, I'm not able to differentiate which post is which.
You know, You brought wonders into my life. Ever since the day I was born, you never gave up on me no matter how many mistakes I made. Years passed by, In the blink of an eye, Im 19! AND you're 49!
Thank you SOOOO much mummy, for not always tolerating with me, the things I do. IM truly sorry for what I frequently DID to hurt you so much. I would be better. You are always the one who taught me the best things in life.
Although I dislike your nagging, I somehow come to appreciate what values you deploy in your naggings every single day. MUMMY, You're the best, Without you being in this world 49 years ago, I wouldn't be here.
The best birthday gift I can ever give, is to become a better person in life!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I'm feeling so stress all out a sudden this semester. I tend to plan out my schedule on the calender in my lappy, taking note of all the events. Totally different from the last semester, the stress level too.
I don't really know how long can I take it, but what I know, its that I want to have a great great performance this semester. How is this going to carry on, term test is coming!! I'm just so afraid . Whats HAPPENING?
Monday, November 24, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Here's a random post again. Have been so busy with stuffs that I almost forget that my blog exist?
Do anyone actually understand, having a blog is simple, to maintain a blog is far difficult. Maybe you can use the word 'lazy' but somehow or rather, I didn't know what to blog about everyday. Life is just so wonderful these days.
My life is forever as wonderful =). BUT I'm forever as hungs!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I feel that I have so much to do. I feel that my head is so heavy.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder why can't I be like the stars blinking in the night sky.
How I wish I could be a pet in pet society. Anyway, Its the trend have you tried it at FACEBOOK?
I need to de stress, before I really go mad. Somehow, this is a random post LOL.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Life is totally fragile, cherish it, cherish the people around you.
Ah dee, all the sweet little things you do, all the smiles and laughter that you gave, all the precious moments we spent together, all the names you named me (there is still more coming i think), everything of you, from head to toe, made me fall in love with you.
Your chattyboy, will love you always my AH dee. Looking for more years to come.
051106 ------ Eternity.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
051108, Such a wonderful date to remember. Haven't got the time to update about that day. I got the greatest gift from darling,

Firstly, I got a shoe box wrapped up so nicely with
eileen and
ivan pasted.
OMGS. Thank you so much my precious =)

I opened it up, to my surprise, the
levis shirt I tried at the shop! And below it is a pair of white cool loafers. I knew that darling wanted to make it so cool.
Anyway, I received all those sweet pressies at 12am on 051108. So
sweeeeet. Anyway, had lessons on Wednesday, Darling had her practical lessons, came back around 3plus and we
ZOOOM. Cabbed to
suntec city mall.
Of course, with a camera on hand,

cabbyWe reached
suntec and we went to
KBOX to sing our bloody lungs out !!!

She makes my day with her sick smiles.

I make her day with mine too!

Singing without opening the mouth.

Singing with a smile.

Is there a rat? OMGS.

Sick face of the year.

Packing up liaos. My bag come liao come liao

Even before we leave, must give one sick smile HAHA

Making full chances of taking photos.
After all these, there are still more and many more photos yet to be displayed. We went to have our "scrumptious" dinner at a Thai restaurant.
Time flies past, so fast. Here we are, darling and I, thinking how were we like 2 years ago. These 2 years, I found such a big change in me. Baobeiix, I want to thank you for so many many things.
I wish to thank you for calling me weird names, ranging from farmerong to onglai, now even better, with commandoOng and Chattyboy. I wish to thank you for always pinching me so hard. I wish to thank you for always being there for me.
I wish to thank you for always keeping a listening ear, although my subject is boring. I wish to thank you for the patience you had with me. I wish to thank you for being so understanding. I wish to thank you for not shouting at the top of your voice at me when I called at wrong times.
I wish to thank you for the love you showered on me. I wish to thank you for being such a wonderful darling of mine. I Wish to thank you, for a million, billion, thrillion things. Darling, you're just so wonderful. Thank you so much.
I just want to let you know too, that nothing can ever replace you. You're the answer to my life. I love you. Our beloved 2 years.
Below is a video dedicated only for you... I took so long to upload LOL
Saturday, October 25, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Just some pics which i kept laughing at myself when i see them LOL.

First of all, My son and I long time ago.

I seriously duno whats the man doing with me LOL. HAHA

I became kiera Knightly starring in the poster of Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

Superman would look good in this
Saturday, October 25, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I just don't know why that I'm so impatient, =((.
Dearie, Im so sorry =((.
I will BECOME A MAN ! I love you so much.
Monday, October 20, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I don't have the looks, I'm not born with the silver spoon. That's why, from today onwards, I set my goal. I set my target to move forward. EileenGoh, you're my life, my motivation to move on.
I told myself i must smile in the notes one fcuking day.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
After seeing what happen, I think we should cherish life, especially those loved ones around you. Life is totally unpredictable .
Monday, October 13, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Total lameness, Im so sorry that I haven't been able to deliver my speeches on this "cool" blog of mine. I just found out whats going on in life. I can't believe that there are still people resorting to violence and uses their fists instead of their mouths.
Furthermore, what more that I can't believe was that their fists actually landed near my mouth, when I wanted to talk peace out. Not great at all, shouldn't have talked so much to these bunch of cowards who use numbers as their advantage.
We came to chill at the same place, we came for a reason. But, those people came to find trouble. O my, whats that chilling place of Singapore like? Where can we actually find a comfort zone that we can sit down peacefully and enjoy a glass of whisky, without having to meet up with these people?
Anyway, it's already over. Its a beginning of a new life.
05/11/08. I'm expecting a sweet and wonderful 2 years =).
You're the one who conquered so much area in my heart, eileengoh. I love you =)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
My machine is on the verge of breaking down.
Friday, October 03, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I was wondering and wondering, is this life what i wanted it to be.
Like i always type in my report at starhub, SLA 24 hrs, SLA 3 working days, SLA 1 hr.
Now, I'm typing for myself, SLA 11 DAYS. O yea, by the way, sla means service level agreement. 10 more days and I will be free from that living hell. Its not that bad after all, just that, the feeling of that stressful environment is really making me go bonkers.
Seriously, I come home every single day, with my head aching like crazy. The stress is really getting bigger and bigger. I'm always thinking at my work place, "WHY AM I HERE?".
Of course, its because of bloody money. MONEY MONEY WHY MONEY! LETS PRACTICE BARTER TRADING!!
I'm looking so forward to this Sunday, its simply our 23rd. Darling, you have really been so understanding this period of close to 2 years. All my life, I never had such a wonderful 23 months before, and I'm serious about this.
If you gave you one chance to tell you, how much i love you... I would tell you, the love I had for you simply can't be measured. You'll never be replaced.
EileenGOH! I love you. =)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Whenever I'm caught right in fear, I always asked myself, how would it be nice if I can turn back time. However, I know that its impossible to do it. I questioned myself, why did I not focus at that point of time. Why do I actually do this kind of stupid things?
I trapped, trapped in regret. Trapped in this fear, that I cannot get out of it. My heart is pounding, my teeth is grinding, I don't want to live in this kind of fear anymore, FOREVER. I won't want any regrets, I wont want fear.
I want to overcome it. I know for her, and for them. I can do it.
Taste of Life
Saturday, September 20, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
After standing on the ground for 19 years, I stop and thought of what exactly is life. Its been the third week since I'm slogging and working hard. I came to realise, life isn't wonderful when you work for 5 days a week, but life SUCKS when you have no $.
$, is the root of all evil, while at the same time, its the root of life. I came to see, how stressful is the road placed in front of me going to be. I came to see, why is everyone rushing to work every single day in the morning, I came to open up and see, everything, anything.
Inside of me, I've got a strength, the strength is you.
I lived this realistic world so happily, just because I have you by my side. My wonderful darling. =)
I love you, looking so forward to our 051108.
Monday, September 15, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I don't really have the mood to BLOG! OMGS.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Day after day, calls after calls. I'm already starting to get tired of this life.
However, one thing struck me that actually kept me going on and on. Darling, you're the one! I'm always looking forward, just because of you. Whenever I meet you after work, all my tiredness just flow away.
Amazing isn't it. I really cherish the love you showered on me, and its TRUE!
Darling, you're my motivation!
Every single day, I see that you're really so worn out of long study times in school. I felt so sad that i actually had nothing that I can help you with. Hang on there Darling! Jia YOU! Take me as your motivation LOL! I think better not, I scared you think of my face you'll faint.
Darling, thanks for the laughters that kept me going every single day =).
Totally in love, 051106.
Nothing's goanna change my love for you.
Monday, September 08, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Its another work day tomorrow. Nice 2 days of rest on the weekends, but everything seem to be repeating itself once again on the start of the week. Somehow or rather, let me describe my working environment. From what i actually heard, I'm in the mobile general enquiry department of Starhub.
Answering Singaporean's rants about their phone line being terminated, blah blah blah. Some people are nice on the phone, while some others are just unreasonable. They can be talking on the phone with really low reception, and i had to make up words of what the person is talking about.
And when i made a mistake, I actually got the comment, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?". WTF. This is what I call idiots! But anyway, dining out at lunch in the foodcourt in Plaza singapura is GOD DAM expensive. Ok, to me it is!
I hope I can bear through this month. Jiayou!
Darling, although this is quite late for our 22th months which past 3 days ago, I really would want to tell you that, you have really been my best.
Whenever I need someone to talk to, you were always there lending a ear.
Whenever I need someone to help me, you were always there helping a hand.
Whenever I'm so down and tired, you were always there making me smile.
Whenever I'm so sick, you were always there telling me to see a doctor, drinking more water.
Whenever, Whenever, Whenever, I needed love and care. You were always standing infront of me.
Thanks alot Darlin! Nothing can really replace you =).
Our promise, 051106.
O my, I've been waking up every morning at 7, Monday to Friday this week. Thank god its Friday. I can have Saturday and Sunday off day and rest day. I found out that the MRT in the morning is so peaceful !
I've been catching up with the news both local and the world's these few days. I would always be walking near, NO! not near. BUT STRAIGHT into the person who give out the newspaper, "MYPAPER". Wow, i can actually spend my whole train ride reading the newspaper. Fantastic.
I found that my life is so boring. Waking up in the early morning. Work till late afternoon. Rest at home in the night. Sleep near midnight. Every single day, its repeating! OMG. Is this SO BORRRING!
Friday, August 29, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Haven been updating for quite some time. How are you guys? O ya, all of you must be thinking if im still alive. Yes, I'm alive and kicking =). Just that, I just finished my last paper today. Omg, it was damn scary. I just wish that I will pass it =(.
Sorry for the links not put up at my blog. I try to do it someday when i got the mood. I just can't copy and paste the code in this blog skin. I must link everyone one by one.
Anyway, I got a job at Starhub. HIVR i supposed? What is it suppose to mean? The simplest form of definition I can give you is, answering call. Yeas, of course its not easy answering those stupid calls.
Imagine, just imagine if you got a customer calling you and scolding you for no reason. Screaming and shouting over the phone and making stupid ghostly sounds. What would you do? Or rather, WHAT can you do?
BAOBEIIX, here i pray for you. May everything go fine for you on your start of the new term. May you be more tolerant against that screwdriver kia, and lastly may you not pon cause of her. WAHAHAHA.
Friday, August 15, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
So many things happened, I've seen through them. They are idiots. They can ignore to help and ranting on and on. How i wish, I was not that tolerant. How i wish i can scold them so hard instead of keeping everything to myself.
Anyway, put away all my unhappiness. I'm counting down the days to darling's return =( . Miss her so much. I wonder if she had fun over her side. I wonder if she was sleeping well over there =)). Darling, come back soon! less that 48 hours, I can see you again!!! MUACKS!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow, MobComp project finally done. Although i can expect many errors when I compile all my java files, I still have until tomorrow to see it! It is because, my lappy cannot compile those java files! AMAZING~
Yeas! My amazing darling also helped me with solving the xhtml errors. O my, my mind really went blank at the moment I saw all those errors. I'm hoping for tomorrow to come so sooon and darling is going 2 TAIWAN!
Impressive ar! SOOOOO envy. Super duper misses too!!!
Darling, you rock a baby~
Monday, August 11, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Finally the new blog skin is done. Thanks to the designer that made this template. Anyway, I had serious problems configuring this template due to lack of knowledge in XML! I tried my best, but I still didn't get the search bar on top working.
So peeps, I know you have been clicking the search bar on top but it didn't respond. Please IGNORE it. Its just another image to enhance this template, (although I have no idea how to remove it).
By the way, I'm not in the national craze! I chose red-white cause I really love this colour combination so much. Looks simple and sweet isn't it? =)
1 last week and study week is going to be here. Please! Fast! Please! Projects deadline are up on Tuesday and I'm still struggling here! I'm really so dead!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I've been having severe back aches for the past few days. It was really CRAZY sprains. My head is so stiff that I had to be so extra careful whenever I cross the road. I cant seem to turn my head flexibly, but only to turn it straight 90 degrees with my whole body.
I've been really having weird dreams these few days, urrghhh. *Think too much*.
I found out that I don't even know who my frequent readers of the blog are, and the worst thing is! I don't even know if there's anyone visiting my blog. This is the report I got from nuffnang ads.
Today's Visits: [No results]
Tears just rolled down my cheeks when i saw this. Im so sad, really so sad. Im sorry for not updating every single day, but but.... 我是真的为你哭了。
Monday, July 21, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow forgetting to blog recently. Im thinking of doing up a new blog skin for myself. Anyway, i caught 'RED CLIFF' not long ago and its certainly a worth to watch movie.
Factors to support my statement,
1. The movie is 2 and a half hour long.
2. Lin Chi ling is in the movie itself.
3. The battles are nicely directed.
4. It certainly brings out flavor of war.
5. The movie is laughable at some parts.
Lots and lots more!

One thing that really keep me in suspense about this movie is............ OMG there is a part 2!
O my, Darling is heading for Taiwan !!! I MISS HER =(
Thursday, July 17, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Somehow or rather, i thought that i should spend my time on the net more on blogging . I witnessed a sight of public intimacy not long ago and the hot topic would be the girl is wearing school uniform, while the guy is in his home tees.
Of course, the first thing I do to react to this is the walk in another route, so that I would not disturb their 'PRIVACY". In my opinion, its nothing to express LOVE in public for your partner. What more, isn't this the modern era?
Just when i was switching my route, a formally dressed man came up to me and point to that couple. The first word that came out from his mouth is, "TELECAST". O my, the media again, how influential is the media nowadays. Everything has a link with that somehow or rather.
Would he want to take out his handphone camera and take pictures of them?
Whats wrong? Can anyone tell me? Would anybody say a thing if the couple were both in home clothes? No one would say a thing. Have you all ever seen the newspaper reporting any couple kissing and hugging in the public when they are in home clothes? I doubt so!
So, whats the problem here? People in uniform hugging and kissing irks the sight of them? But why not the people in home clothes? Isn't it like....
Life in Singapore is really stress ya? You do something the public don't like, your face gets onto the newspaper. Don't believe? Try hugging and kissing in the public. Not with normal clothes, BUT with school uniforms! =)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I feel so reluctant to get out of my bed these few mornings, nothing much of change. But one thing for sure, the weather changes. The cool morning breeze, blowing all over your body when you're sleeping so soundly...
And there you go, RINGGGGG, or whatever songs you set as your alarm. It just awoke you from the sleep you had been waiting for decades, for centuries. Gosh, I'm forever sleepy in the morning. It really seems that I cant be sleeping early in the night, waking up early in the morning. I really hope I can change this body clock of mine.
Another dreadful thing to do every morning! Walking to SCHOOL! O my, sometimes I wonder, walking to school is somehow as tiring as taking buses or trains to school. You can just doze off into your sweet dreams on the buses or trains when you find you seat, or even when you're standing!
Anyway, I've been sacked from a tuition on the very first lesson. The reason -- I forget some of the aspects in Math.
It's has really been ages since I touched non-calculators questions like doing long divisions. For example, that question I got was 91 / 2. Yeas, immediately, we know that the answer is 45.5 ? 90/2 equals 45. 91/2 equals 45.5!
But what i encountered is...
After the long division, theres a remainder 1, AND I really forget totally about what to do with that remainder! Thats the greatest mistake of my life! AND now I know the solution!
Friday, July 04, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow, just checked out my nuff nang ads hanging around at the sidebar of my blog. I was absolutely shocked to find out 2 to 3 of my readers came from the united states! Wondering how they got to my blog, maybe google brought them here?
Life goes on...
I took up a new tuition assignment =)). HEHE. I hope the parent and the child would be nice!!
I have just NOT enough sleep OMG!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Totally nonsense, life is crap. except for darling HEHEHE
Saturday, June 28, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Monday, June 23, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Yeas, was at work today while I met a !#@#!$%$#@ family of customer. She was asking me for cartoon movies, yea and i showed her the 'Tom and Jerry', ' Doreamon' etc. She asked, in a heavy indian slang, "Hi do you have any cartoon bopaa? Progody? blah blah blah". Apparently, I couldn't understand what she was talking, so I took the easy way out.
I replied 'NO' to everything. That was the best answer I could gave, I didn't know anything about the cartoons she was asking? She then requested for disney cartoons movies, and she saw what she wanted. 'BOOHPAH' She took up the vcd and she said, didn't you say there is no BOOHPAH?
Thinking to myself, there are so many vcds, dvds at the shop. You actually want me to know what every show is? where every show is placed?
Worst came when her Mum gave a fcuking comment. "Study your products, you might lose a sale like that if you say don't have" My head was blowing off at that moment and I just walked away. Is boohpah even of my era? I don't remember having that in childhood days.
I just don't understand them, the customer still add on, saying do you all need any workers? I can work here, I dun mind. My mouth was almost spurting 'FUCK YOU LAH'. Wasn't what she said sacarstic?
This is the reason why....... I sterotype.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Much has been chasing euro 2008 matches. Things seemed to be different for me. Seriously speaking, I never had the chance to exchange my ticket for cash at Singapore pools outlet once in my life. Coming from 4d to Toto to Soccer betting, I just lost every round I bet.
This really sucks. =) But anyway, speaking of it, its only for the fun of it. Although the money we spent on the bets are innocent, its good that the process paid off.
School is reopening soon, real soon. Waking up every morning is seriously what I truly dislike. Life goes on, I would work hard! I must pass! ARGH.
Darling has open school today. Sometimes just wondering hows she doing. Is she doing fine?? I just wonder la ! So excited, we are meeting tomorrow at RP! Its been like "AGES" - a few days, since we met up. I'm just so so so so looking forward. HEHEHE.
Life, bring me more surprises!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Seriously, I was browsing through friendster when memories flew back into my head. I saw this profile under my friend list, "TOGETHER AH". Its seriously seriously seriously hilarious. From what i remembered, we started out this thing when we were sec 3.
By looking at it again now, I can't stop but to laugh at myself... HAHA. Can you imagine about the fun things that you've done in your life. This is mine, I can't remember who wrote this, just reading on, I questioned myself, "Am i like that?"
The profile of together ah.
[x[About us]x]:
Grp of few ppl who is always together thus forming this grp name.Truthful to brothers and close friends.Loyalty and brotherhood is the main reason for forming this grp.
[x[martin]x]the craziest of all.
[x[ivan]x]the blurest of all.
[x[hawwei]x]the idiotic"esT" of all.
[v[clement]v]the ciao"est" of all.
[Others]basically everyone who knows us is in this grp.
[x[a little more]x]
_Promoting:real friendship and sacrifice for others.
_Belief:together ah~share everything together except gals.
_Hates:those who "Step".Betrayers.
_Hangout:back gate.
_End:nothing else.
_Wishes:expanding brotherhoodness
[x[some more]x]
_during the tym from 7.20am to 10.45am in sch we will be found in cls.
_recess we will be found walking to toilet then parade square.
_after sch will be back gate.
_after tht will be brother's hse or home.
_after tht will be going out.
[x[jus some more]x]
_we dread ppl who always copy.cant stand it.
_we love it when each of us think of one another.
_we dread it when parents think the other way of us.
_we love it when we go out and have fun.
_we dread it when ppl kpkb us.
_we love it when u guys are reading tis!!
[x[no more]x]
_no more.....
_really no more la..kaoz...
_eh u understand wat is call no more anot?
_u wan to c ur problem la...
Yeas, I know what you're thinking. Seems so "ACT", sounds so lame, typical secondary school kids. What you're thinking, is what I'm thinking at the same time. The worst thing is that i found some related photos that are really .....
Notice the date on the photo. From left to right(Ivan, Martin, Hawy)

Spot the difference between Hawy, past and present. HEHEHE.


All these seems stupid, yea it is, however, it just plays a reminds me of the fun times we had in the past. =)) TOGETHER AH~
Thursday, June 05, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Its been our 19 months! =)
All my life, I prayed for someone like you. I thank GOD that I finally found you.
eileenGOH, I wouldn't even have a taste of love if i haven't found you. You brought me knowledge, you brought me love, you brought me a religion I would always believe in. You're my religion...
eileenGOH, Wouldn't it be nice if time stays at this moment... Time will definitively not stop for us, not turn back for us. Time will always go forward and forward, just like my love for you. I won't stop loving you, I wont look back, because I never ever regretted every single moment with you. =)
Darling, my heart is sooooo under your control ! I love you =) 05.11.06
Monday, June 02, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
A.) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B.) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
C.) Have FUN!
#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
- Betray? Err. I think I would be so stunned. I would just like clear things out. =)
#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
-Of course to be handsome and slim and able to eat my favourite curryji all the time.
#3. What will your dream wedding be like?
-Dream wedding would be a cool wedding! Those like soldiers carrying swords over your heads while i walk through them on the red carpet?
#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
-Seriously speaking, i am.
#5. Do you like cheese ?
- IT seriously sucks.
#6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- Of course loving someone so deeply and having the same love returned.
#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- Err, it depends on how long the person is worth to let me wait?
#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- I will go sooooo emo for a moment...
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
- Ya, School work has really made me so unhappy.
#10. What is the most heart breaking moment for you so far?
- "Unstable" days. :(
#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time?
- I hope i would be someone useful to the society.
#13. Who are currently the most important people to you?
- Family, EILEENGOH.
#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- MY Playful darling.
#15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
- Married, single doesn't make you rich in love.
16. What is the first thing you do every morning?
- Open my eyes?
#17. Would you give all in a relationship?
- Depends. For now i surely would.
#18. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- The one that love me =)
#19. What type of friends do you like?
- People who i can talk to.
People who tag me
People whom I tagged;
Find out yourself. :))
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Nothing seems to go through my mind. I made a promise. I will pass all my subjects in this coming term test. I would work hard for it. Thinking of it, darling really worked very very hard. The stress that she is going through, its hard for me to imagine.
I seriously hope that she will take care of herself while she work. It really hurts me looking at her falling weaker and weaker day by day. How does she get enough rest? I'm sorry darling =))
Poly life, two words.... fucked up
Saturday, May 24, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I hate those idiots who attitudes, and seriously not putting themselves in other's people shoes first.
Simply an idiot.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I started to wonder, wonder about where does my future takes me. I wondered, our society is only going to make places for the best ones. What if I'm not going to have a place in there? What if I turned out not to be the best? How would life be for me?
All my life, what I thought was just wanting a good life. I did have one now, I have a wonderful family, always there for me whenever i need help. Coming one day, they will leave me, when I'm left alone in this world how would life be? Would it be as wonderful as now?
=( I just dun have the courage to think about all these.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Caught speed racer today at e hub downtown east. Wow, the cinema was unexpectedly cold, darling and I were almost freezing during the 2 hours show. Nice movie it was, except for some seriously exaggerated animations.
Or what I can say, almost the whole show is animation. The moral of the movie was well brought out. Kinship, friendship, passion, dream for a particular thing. Although Rain was somehow like an "extra" in the movie, darling still cheering when he appeared in every single scene.
Overall, speed racer is given 3.5/5 stars according to my own opinion.
We went home in bus 21 and surprisingly I was so stressed up on that idiotic bus. I shall not blog out the reason why as I think it will cause some conflicts. I would just say, those people who have no brains are just shouting their lungs out on the bus. They don't even think if it is disturbing the rest of the people on the bus.
Darling and I went to meet miruki for some ROLLER-BLADING? To be exact, I didn't touch that sport since I was in my childhood days. Therefore, blading itself is really alien to me. God knows, how would i balance on 8 wheels?
Anyway, darling and miruki had fun. Although being tired, darling is just so pleased with her blading. I think she got the right birthday present ya? Darling jiayou! I would try my best to learn roller-blading! I would TRY!
Ok, I'm also surprised that i actually blogged today. I will try to blog more in future. =))
Friday, May 16, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Theres just so much inside me. I don't even know where do i actually start from.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Hasn't been blogging for the past week. I'm just so bored to blog. =))
Promise to blog once my inspiration comes!
My faithful readers like eileengoh, please check my blog every now and then =))
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Life's really so good with darling =)).
She's just way so sweet in every aspect. She made me understand true love. She made me so happy whenever i meet up with her.
Darling, i promise. I promise i will always be with you, not just for the next 50 years, but for the next 50 lifetimes. I'm just so happy being with you. Nothing can replace your importance in my heart.
Dardey, Cheers to our happy 1 and a half years. Although we celebrated it so simply, I will try my very best to find the ' 50 carat Diamond ring' for you. And its only, just for you. =))
School's really a bore. I walk alone to school, sit alone in class. O my, was really thinking why did i have to fail those subjects. I'm like a loner. Hope life would be better. =)
Friday, April 18, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Tutoring started for me on Wednesday. Sad to say, I'm teaching a subject which I'm not really good in. English! What shocked me the most is that I'm teaching a Ch*** girl English. Woosh, is it a blessing in disguise?
Yea, I got this assignment from ManyTutors and I didn't know much about the profile about the student. Until Wednesday, I went there and got a shock out of my life. I had to read every single sentence, every single word. Of course, to translate them in Mandrin so that she will understand.
Everything went smoothly in the beginning, but somehow or rather I found out that the girl wasn't really interested in tuition. O my, when i mentioned the word "SPELLING", her face turned green. I really question myself, what could i help her with?
Especially when my command of Chinese is not that great either, how am i going to translate every single word? It's so stressed. My student is seriously inquisitive. She can ask every single question from my personal life to INDIAN GODS?
O my! This is HOLY.
I hope I can raise her grade !!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Alone in the living room, staring blankly at my computer, I didn't know that listening to music alone is such a peaceful thing to do. Thinking of it, darling and I went for dinner at Teppan express at b1 of Tampines mall on Saturday.
Sad to say, the atmosphere was so sucky. I never felt like this before until one of the old chef came out and cook for us. He was wearing a face as if everyone owed him millions and millions of dollars. What i meant was really MILLIONS. You can imagine that fucked up look.
One thing I don't really understand is why does he want to give this kind of attitude to his customers? Or did he just thought that hes a chef and theres no point to wear a smile on that ATTITUDE face of his? God knows, weird ass.
Went to the movies after dinner and we caught run papa run. Although what darling said was right - Louis Khoo is damn handsome, BUT........... *no offense* that movie seems like its spreading Christianity! O my ! 30% of the show is filled up with Christian songs, 10% is filled up with prayers.
Its a good movie after all....... *May god bless*.
School is reopening real real soon, and my life is gonna end soon. School ........................... no comments.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Here i am once again, blogging.
Regretful thoughts seems to cling onto me, holding on to me and never wanting to let go. Here i am, thinking once again, how good would it be if i can turn the clock around. I know I would miss the class that i had.
I know that I would be so lonely to attend tutorials, labs alone. I know it, but its all too late. Just like its too late to apologise, its too late to look back once again. The only thing that i can do, is to move forward. Nothing else matters.
Two more weeks to go, school is reopening. I hope life would be better =)).
Thursday, April 03, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Woosh, ling introduced me a great movie today =))
Regrets really started to flow into my mind. I MUST WORK HARD.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I just can't get to sleep. My mind is just revolving around darling. I'm so worried that her voice actually changed today. I didn't know what happened and I'm really really worried. Is she facing any problems that i can't help? Is she facing any problems that is serious?
I'm so afraid that she is keeping to herself. She's like under tremendous stress. I really really wish that i could help her out in any way. =((
Friday, March 28, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow, this blog is going stale soon ! I'm just so addicted to the tv when the mio plan came. O my, the shows are just so exciting!!
Yawns, holidays are just so boring staying at home. Anyone can get me a job please? =)) I really really really really need one badly!
Anyway, ling is so tired out today. Ling, no matter what happon, remember there's always me by your side. Ling, I love you ^1231231831283172381312.
Hope you get your ASIANCE BEAUTY! LOL.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I really wonder. I seriously wonder sometimes about my life. Why isn't my life going on as smooth as others... I really doubt myself, I'm starting to hate this life.
I set my alarm to 8.30am in the morning today. I slept early yesterday night , just to find out in the morning that i overslept. My alarm didn't rang, all thanks to me mixing up am and pm. Gosh, i missed netfund remedial just like that. Damn it.
I went to school at 2 in the afternoon. Just to find out that telesys remedial was actually canceled. Oh gosh, how am i going to pass my papers in this manner? Fcuk this.
Just when i needed a job the most, i was surprised by the sudden decision that my job only needs 3 people from now on, thus leaving me out. FCUK! This is really the thing that FCUK my life. I rejected quite a number of job offers just for this job? And now i got the message that they don't need anymore.
What the heck is this? GOD save me please.
I seriously dun wan darling to stress about this matter, she kept blaming herself. She kept saying that its her fault.
"Darling, I really don't once think that its your fault. I'm so sorry that i vent my anger on you. I'm really so sorry that i didn't think about your worries. eileengoh, I'm so sorry! My only wish is not to see you so sad anymore, its really not your fault at all. It's neither anyone's fault. Cheer up ok ? =)) Dun worry, I will find one better job! HEHE"
Anyway, despite from all the fcukings of my life, Mum and Dad got me a new phone, a w910i, the simi shake shake shake phone =)) Thanks alot Mum and Dad , I will try my best to be a better boy next time =))))))).
I wish i can clear all my supp papers... Just this time please.
eileengoh, iloveyou * 10^1231823612389129512.
HEHE. My days are never complete without my smile and laughter. =))
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow, I'm one year older. I'm 19! Happy 19th birthday to me yesterday =)))
eileengoh really surprised me with the things she has done. Just by seeing her small little smile, my birthday was entirely lighted up. Thanks alot eileengoh, your preparations, the effort you put in, the surprises you filled me with is all appreciated and stored in my heart.
Nothing beats your 'glow in the dark' happy birthday, your little sweet heart shape cake, your ace spade shirt, and last but not least, the thing that i love the most, the candle happy birthday. Everything was just wonderful yesterday.
Eileengoh, you may be just one person to the world, but you're the entire world to me =) You're my life. I won't live my life happily without you.
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. It's so nice to have friends around me, wishing and blessing me for my birthday.
Greatest Thanks to : eileengoh , hawy , hong yu , jaslyn , rita , sijie , et , fred , jessie , lina , nigel , mingsheng, yen yin , grace , jinx , alice , shao ying , pearllene , angela ...... the list still carries on. =)))
Thank you so much, so much. It's great to know that so many people still remember. Or issit a view from friendster? Anyway, i still wish to thanks everyone =)).
Last but not least, HAPPY 16th months eileengoh.
Wow, in the blink of the eye, 16 months flew past. We quarreled, we cried , we laugh , we moan , we whine , we gossip , we are just the best couple ever.
eileengoh, thanks for being so understanding. Sometimes, i really wish to know how to express my feelings for you. I made you feel so down at times, I'm really sorry. eileengoh. I love you! Nothing's gonna change my love for you, all the people know how much i love you~ =))
eileen goh darling, ling , ah bao , baoster , dey , baobeiix , bd , shag a bd I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hUgs AND kIsses.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow, tomorrow is the last paper. But eventually, i expect more papers to come. It's once again the long holidays again. Last holidays was a failure in slacking around, I must find a stable job this holidays! Phew, finally the last paper. The last paper means more time to spend with eileengoh.
Thinking of it, it has also been long time since i met her. It's been long time since i chat with her well on the phone. Weesh, i know eileengoh must have missed me alot i supposed?
I recalled when i was young, my primary school teacher would always ask us this particular question. "What is your ambition?" Remember when we were young? We would answer any of the white collar jobs like doctors, ministers, lawyer.
Who would ever thought of what we will really become in future? Thinking of it, is your ambition now the same as what you wanted to be when you were young? I just love the young and naive days...
Give me back my childhood. =)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Surprised to hear from me here? I'm back.
It's another long period since i started blogging back here again. Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't blog anywhere else. It's just that i somehow not have the mood to blog... It's the exam period, it would be holiday soon. SOON!
I spent 14th February so beautifully. Everyone was just so happening on that day. Although its like a week or two since the incident passed, my mind still secure the perfect vision i had with eileengoh that particular night.
Fishing was a trip we planned almost a month before that actual day. Fish and co was obviously packed, and therefore we were left standing outside the restraunt waiting for our turn to get in. On this day, I did the impossible!
I made eileengoh stand out in the crowd! Although only for a few moments, i knew how happy she was deep in her heart. She requested me to get her a red balloon from the bunch of decorations. Why red? The reason is because everyone else was holding a pink one.
Of course, i hesitated for a moment and eventually i asked the waitress. "Hi, is it possible that i can have a red balloon please? *_* " i asked with my sick smiling face.
" For sure sir, anything for you on valentine's day". O my, the person reply was so sweet. When eileengoh got the red balloon. Knew how happy she was? She was smiling like hehehehehe all the way.
But disaster struck when another person requested for a red balloon. eileengoh face turned into that of justicebao, and keep cursing and swearing at the person. One after another, they requested for a red balloon, not a pink one.
As i said, eileengoh, you're the first! No matter how many they take, remember, only your boyfriend me can make you the first. HEHEHE.
Alright, that was a perfect valentine's with much photo taking sessions after our dinner. =)
Saturday, February 09, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
In the mood of new year for the past 2 days or so. Lady luck hasn't been with me this following new year. I been losing much of my red packet money to this occasional new year gambling. Anyway, this new year was really a break for me, a break from school.
Went to watched "Ah long Pte Ltd" with baobao today. Quite an entertaining movie but the lines of the scripts were somehow repeated like what baobao said. O my, we had to buy the 9pm show although we reached the ticketing booth at around 4.
The queue was really frightening. However, it's comforting to hear the whole cinema bursting into laughter throughout the entire movie. Baobao had the greatest laugh of all, she laughed as if the whole cinema was able to hear her laughter. It's so good to see her laughing like that =)
Projects deadlines are coming nearer and nearer. The intensive stress in my head is really getting bigger and bigger. God knows how am i feeling right now, I'm so afraid that i will flunk my main exams but its me who made the mistake after all.
Happy new year everyone =))
Valentines' day is approaching. Woohoo. Baobao, our fishing trip is getting nearer and nearer =).
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
It has been ages since i ever touched blogging. Everything was in a total mess. How i wish that time will slow down and our pace of life would be slower. Everything is like a race...
Anyway, I'm so glad that its our 15 months today. Every 5th of the month, darling would always be so elated although she forgot how many months we were together. Thanks darling for always being with me, always lending a listening ear whenever i need someone to talk to, always gave me a comfortable shoulder whenever i need a rely.
Darling, no words can describe my love for you. If i had to run, if i had to crawl, if i had to swim a hundred rivers or to climb a thousand walls. Always note that i will find a way, to get to where you are. Cause in you and me, theres no place that far~
Projects are soon going to end, thus i got more time to spend with my precious =)).
Whatevo~ HEHEHE
Thursday, January 24, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I start off my post with wishing darling a Happy 18th birthday! Congrats my Baobeiix, hope you really love the presents i gave =)).
Omgs, total shagness, so many quizzes and projects. It's gonna take my life away soon...
Monday, January 21, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Its been quite awhile since i touched blogging. Thoughts of giving up this blog flew through my mind every now and then. However, due to supportive readers who are reading this stale blog of mine quietly, i decided to recover this blog. =))
School life hasn't been great for me since term started. My term tests was a total goner. How i wish, like we had always told ourselves, to put in more effort during the examination period. Every single morning, i dragged myself out of bed to the bathroom. Up to my surprise, i would always try to catch a 15 minutes more rest on the sofa.
Somehow, i wish i could not wake up every morning. I really wish to break free from those addictive games which i am attracted to. It just can't seem to break free from me, it's as if a must to log in to my Maplestory every single day of my life.
Why? Why can't i be this diligent when I'm heading for school? When is the day that i can break free from it? God knows.
I just miss my early nights, when can i have them back?
Saturday, January 05, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Darling, i just love you.
In this world, only the two of us.
Happy 14th month!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Happy 2008 ~~~
Woke up mid afternoon, found myself to be just in another normal day. Anyway, the countdown and the fireworks at the esplanade area was real exciting. Not to mentioned those inconsiderate people who keep pushing their way through the crowd.
Where's that tiny little brains? Being ate up? Everyone is already cramping and fighting for space but those idiots just push their way as if its their father's road? Can't they just stop down and wait for a second or two?
A brand new year and they are still doing the same thing over and over again? How i even wonder if clever "BangalaS" did exist... =)
Wow, the fireworks were cool. It's been really long time since i ever appreciated fireworks live. =).
Anyway, a new year would often come with new resolutions.
My resolutions : To be a better man~
=D. Alright. I stop here for the day. Hope darling enjoy her day at the countdown yesterday. It's the first countdown i been with her =)), though she was really tire out.
Once again, Look forward to a better 2008.
But dun ever throw away nice memories from the past year =)).