Tuesday, June 05, 2007 | Author: Ivan Juntian
7 months ago, a promise of eternity begun.

Time flies, but our love, was always there.

Keeping up with the time, never letting it be behind time.

These 7 months, although up and downs were frequent.

Our love always help us surpass these obstacles.

Darling, i found a better me,

I found my goal in life,

I found out whats love by your presence.

Without you,

I'm totally nothing.

Without you,

i wouldn't be able to love.

Without you,

My colours of life would only be black and white.

Your presence brought me to paradise.

Your presence brought me to somewhere i never been before.

Your presence made me understand more about life.

I know you are the one for me.

Darling, i love you.

Happy seven months!

HER feifeii HIS baobeixx LOVES for eternity


hUgs AND kIsses
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