Was working the whole morning, from 9 till 6. Who even predicted i got a scolding from my manager just the minute i reached work.
Pratically, who cares.
Anyway, after work. I came back to tampines to meet darling. She was just home from a big big big big big bombastic dinner treat. O my, "mongolian chicken". My saliva was dripping all onto the ground as soon as i heard that. How i wish, the chicken could stuff into my mouth.Wahahaha.
We went to eat some waffle hot dogs, after which we went to big bookshop. We sneaked into big bookshop knowing that they were actually closing. The truth is, we did it on purpose. Our motto, "Not to let them do their settlements, sales reports." Wohoooo.
They switched off their lights and we had to go no matter what. O my, what service they got!
Went over to prime supermarket below to shop. We were just crazily walking around like what typical singaporeans do. We squeezed apples, steal long beans. Wahahaha. We came to see this particular chocalate which we love it alot.

Our heart shape chocolate.
After that we bought each of us a yan yan. WOW! We asked each other questions posted on the yan yan biscuit.

Dear asked me this question, "an amphibiant". Immediately, i named frog.!!! WOohoo. Dear was so angry. She kept asking me, " How you know?
Haha, i'm clever alright. Had a real fun day, i name sunday our "yan yan day!"