Intuition, may it come to me and stay there forever.
Night classes are making me mad nowadays, the first week was effective. What seemed it after, the second week was inefficient. Everyone was chit chatting here and there, including me. To me, only 90 percent of the people who are in the canteen is actually revising hard for their prelims.
Why is this so? Tired is the keyword to everything. Everyone is tired due to the early waking up everyday. Can you imagine? We had been working up on school semesters every weekday on around 6 plus? Thats mad. Yeah, this is life in singapore, but cant we have a two way approach?
Waking up this early is really making me restless as times goes by, how i wish i can leave this school for eternity. I mean, there are sure to be memories left behind. But the disastrous memories of waking up finding yourself lost. Then there comes the thought of "You have to go to school!"
Ow, thats crap. People, can i appeal that once you are here reading my blog, can you all actually leave a comment or something? Its boring. Next wednesday is 020806. Its one month!!! cant describe this jubilant feeling that is appearing so soon. Right infront of me.
I looking forward not to just one month, but one year, 10 years, or 100 years. I hold on to the passion to keeping myself alive. And i am sure that you have the magic to make everyone happy.
Just a smile from you, can brighten up my entire day. So who says that you doesn't have the magic to make people happy? Don't look back, look forward. Life have more things ahead for you to complete, for you to fufil.
I love you.
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