Sunday, December 28, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Haven't been blogging about my 3rd Christmas with eileengoh. It was simply wonderful, no words can describe that feeling of joy. The stupid rain made us meet later than usual!
How disappointing to rain on Christmas eve. Anyway, we bravely fought the rain and headed to vivo city! The sky park was so packed at that time that we reached, and the atmosphere in vivo city is almost like the spectators at the kallang stadium!

Sentosa! WE are coming! Off to the station to buy our 'EZ link' card

Woosh! Sentosaing. Cam whoring at sentosa, but if im going to post all the pics, it would take me million of years! Sentosa is so peaceful, nice scenery, nice ambiance, no sign of stress! COOL!
We got back to VIVO sky park by 12, we actually sat on the Cinderella carriage!

Arent you envious?? Off we go, to our lovely land ! With rudolf the red nose reindeer.
Although vivo made us disappointed by switching off the lights for the Christmas tree and the carriage before 12, I would thank Santa, for giving me the present I desire for the third year!
I love you, eileengoh.
Monday, December 22, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I feel so drifted apart from what I consider cliques. Anyway, don't really wish to be talking about it, maybe I'm over thinking...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I yearn to be rich somehow. I want to be
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I'm down with serious flu. I remember once I saw at the polyclinic the symptoms of normal flu and another flu which affect the lungs. I didn't know what got over me, suddenly I wish to blog out my thoughts.
I really had a great time with darling on Wednesdays. Nothing can really replace her smiles she always have on Wednesdays. Yeas, and today we went for lunch at subway. She simply loves subway so much. Every bite of the sandwich, you can see her cute little happy face.
But things didn't turned out fine later, Thanks so much Darling that you offered to watch quarantine with me. The movie, was gross, I wanted to puke so much inside the cinema. So sorry, I recommended such a noob movie today. The camera was so shaky that I wanted to puke even more.
If you ever asked to give review of the movie itself, I would not give any good rating. The idea was creative as in to shoot in the perspective of a camera lenses. Somehow, the ending made everyone in the cinema so unhappy. One even threw pop corn towards the screen. GRR.
But of course, you can try watching if you like to see nothing out of a movie. I would not ever ever watch any horror movies like this again with Darling.
Anyway, term test is drawing to an end. Hope my sickness would recover soon =)). Darling's shagness too!
EileenGoh, Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, loving you was what i had no control over. I remember the day forever 051106 =)
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Madagascar rocks, Although it gets a little boring in some scences, I love the way they present their emoticons. Laughable, Cryable, Smilable, I can only say Darling was laughing all the way in the movie. =))
Worst thing of all, I came accross a joke today, in some video sites.
Can anyone tell me the language of the song?
Its was actually named "JAPANESE LANGUAGE SONG" in the website.