You know, I think that I should add my colors to my blog to make it look more presentable. Just by looking at the blog myself, I'm not able to differentiate which post is which.
You know, You brought wonders into my life. Ever since the day I was born, you never gave up on me no matter how many mistakes I made. Years passed by, In the blink of an eye, Im 19! AND you're 49!
Thank you SOOOO much mummy, for not always tolerating with me, the things I do. IM truly sorry for what I frequently DID to hurt you so much. I would be better. You are always the one who taught me the best things in life.
Although I dislike your nagging, I somehow come to appreciate what values you deploy in your naggings every single day. MUMMY, You're the best, Without you being in this world 49 years ago, I wouldn't be here.
The best birthday gift I can ever give, is to become a better person in life!
I'm feeling so stress all out a sudden this semester. I tend to plan out my schedule on the calender in my lappy, taking note of all the events. Totally different from the last semester, the stress level too.
I don't really know how long can I take it, but what I know, its that I want to have a great great performance this semester. How is this going to carry on, term test is coming!! I'm just so afraid . Whats HAPPENING?
I don't really know how long can I take it, but what I know, its that I want to have a great great performance this semester. How is this going to carry on, term test is coming!! I'm just so afraid . Whats HAPPENING?
Here's a random post again. Have been so busy with stuffs that I almost forget that my blog exist?
Do anyone actually understand, having a blog is simple, to maintain a blog is far difficult. Maybe you can use the word 'lazy' but somehow or rather, I didn't know what to blog about everyday. Life is just so wonderful these days.
My life is forever as wonderful =). BUT I'm forever as hungs!
Do anyone actually understand, having a blog is simple, to maintain a blog is far difficult. Maybe you can use the word 'lazy' but somehow or rather, I didn't know what to blog about everyday. Life is just so wonderful these days.
My life is forever as wonderful =). BUT I'm forever as hungs!
I feel that I have so much to do. I feel that my head is so heavy.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder why can't I be like the stars blinking in the night sky.
How I wish I could be a pet in pet society. Anyway, Its the trend have you tried it at FACEBOOK?
I need to de stress, before I really go mad. Somehow, this is a random post LOL.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder why can't I be like the stars blinking in the night sky.
How I wish I could be a pet in pet society. Anyway, Its the trend have you tried it at FACEBOOK?
I need to de stress, before I really go mad. Somehow, this is a random post LOL.
Life is totally fragile, cherish it, cherish the people around you.
Ah dee, all the sweet little things you do, all the smiles and laughter that you gave, all the precious moments we spent together, all the names you named me (there is still more coming i think), everything of you, from head to toe, made me fall in love with you.
Your chattyboy, will love you always my AH dee. Looking for more years to come.
051106 ------ Eternity.
Ah dee, all the sweet little things you do, all the smiles and laughter that you gave, all the precious moments we spent together, all the names you named me (there is still more coming i think), everything of you, from head to toe, made me fall in love with you.
Your chattyboy, will love you always my AH dee. Looking for more years to come.
051106 ------ Eternity.
051108, Such a wonderful date to remember. Haven't got the time to update about that day. I got the greatest gift from darling,
Firstly, I got a shoe box wrapped up so nicely with eileen and ivan pasted. OMGS. Thank you so much my precious =)
I opened it up, to my surprise, the levis shirt I tried at the shop! And below it is a pair of white cool loafers. I knew that darling wanted to make it so cool.
Anyway, I received all those sweet pressies at 12am on 051108. So sweeeeet. Anyway, had lessons on Wednesday, Darling had her practical lessons, came back around 3plus and we ZOOOM. Cabbed to suntec city mall.
Of course, with a camera on hand, OMGS. CAMWHORING.
On cabby
We reached suntec and we went to KBOX to sing our bloody lungs out !!!

She makes my day with her sick smiles.
I make her day with mine too!
Singing without opening the mouth.
Singing with a smile.
Is there a rat? OMGS.
Sick face of the year.

Packing up liaos. My bag come liao come liao
Even before we leave, must give one sick smile HAHA
Making full chances of taking photos.
After all these, there are still more and many more photos yet to be displayed. We went to have our "scrumptious" dinner at a Thai restaurant.
Anyway, I received all those sweet pressies at 12am on 051108. So sweeeeet. Anyway, had lessons on Wednesday, Darling had her practical lessons, came back around 3plus and we ZOOOM. Cabbed to suntec city mall.
Of course, with a camera on hand, OMGS. CAMWHORING.
We reached suntec and we went to KBOX to sing our bloody lungs out !!!
After all these, there are still more and many more photos yet to be displayed. We went to have our "scrumptious" dinner at a Thai restaurant.
Time flies past, so fast. Here we are, darling and I, thinking how were we like 2 years ago. These 2 years, I found such a big change in me. Baobeiix, I want to thank you for so many many things.
I wish to thank you for calling me weird names, ranging from farmerong to onglai, now even better, with commandoOng and Chattyboy. I wish to thank you for always pinching me so hard. I wish to thank you for always being there for me.
I wish to thank you for always keeping a listening ear, although my subject is boring. I wish to thank you for the patience you had with me. I wish to thank you for being so understanding. I wish to thank you for not shouting at the top of your voice at me when I called at wrong times.
I wish to thank you for the love you showered on me. I wish to thank you for being such a wonderful darling of mine. I Wish to thank you, for a million, billion, thrillion things. Darling, you're just so wonderful. Thank you so much.
I just want to let you know too, that nothing can ever replace you. You're the answer to my life. I love you. Our beloved 2 years.
Below is a video dedicated only for you... I took so long to upload LOL
I wish to thank you for calling me weird names, ranging from farmerong to onglai, now even better, with commandoOng and Chattyboy. I wish to thank you for always pinching me so hard. I wish to thank you for always being there for me.
I wish to thank you for always keeping a listening ear, although my subject is boring. I wish to thank you for the patience you had with me. I wish to thank you for being so understanding. I wish to thank you for not shouting at the top of your voice at me when I called at wrong times.
I wish to thank you for the love you showered on me. I wish to thank you for being such a wonderful darling of mine. I Wish to thank you, for a million, billion, thrillion things. Darling, you're just so wonderful. Thank you so much.
I just want to let you know too, that nothing can ever replace you. You're the answer to my life. I love you. Our beloved 2 years.
Below is a video dedicated only for you... I took so long to upload LOL