Tuesday, July 22, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I've been having severe back aches for the past few days. It was really CRAZY sprains. My head is so stiff that I had to be so extra careful whenever I cross the road. I cant seem to turn my head flexibly, but only to turn it straight 90 degrees with my whole body.
I've been really having weird dreams these few days, urrghhh. *Think too much*.
I found out that I don't even know who my frequent readers of the blog are, and the worst thing is! I don't even know if there's anyone visiting my blog. This is the report I got from nuffnang ads.
Today's Visits: [No results]
Tears just rolled down my cheeks when i saw this. Im so sad, really so sad. Im sorry for not updating every single day, but but.... 我是真的为你哭了。
Monday, July 21, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow forgetting to blog recently. Im thinking of doing up a new blog skin for myself. Anyway, i caught 'RED CLIFF' not long ago and its certainly a worth to watch movie.
Factors to support my statement,
1. The movie is 2 and a half hour long.
2. Lin Chi ling is in the movie itself.
3. The battles are nicely directed.
4. It certainly brings out flavor of war.
5. The movie is laughable at some parts.
Lots and lots more!

One thing that really keep me in suspense about this movie is............ OMG there is a part 2!
O my, Darling is heading for Taiwan !!! I MISS HER =(
Thursday, July 17, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Somehow or rather, i thought that i should spend my time on the net more on blogging . I witnessed a sight of public intimacy not long ago and the hot topic would be the girl is wearing school uniform, while the guy is in his home tees.
Of course, the first thing I do to react to this is the walk in another route, so that I would not disturb their 'PRIVACY". In my opinion, its nothing to express LOVE in public for your partner. What more, isn't this the modern era?
Just when i was switching my route, a formally dressed man came up to me and point to that couple. The first word that came out from his mouth is, "TELECAST". O my, the media again, how influential is the media nowadays. Everything has a link with that somehow or rather.
Would he want to take out his handphone camera and take pictures of them?
Whats wrong? Can anyone tell me? Would anybody say a thing if the couple were both in home clothes? No one would say a thing. Have you all ever seen the newspaper reporting any couple kissing and hugging in the public when they are in home clothes? I doubt so!
So, whats the problem here? People in uniform hugging and kissing irks the sight of them? But why not the people in home clothes? Isn't it like....
Life in Singapore is really stress ya? You do something the public don't like, your face gets onto the newspaper. Don't believe? Try hugging and kissing in the public. Not with normal clothes, BUT with school uniforms! =)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
I feel so reluctant to get out of my bed these few mornings, nothing much of change. But one thing for sure, the weather changes. The cool morning breeze, blowing all over your body when you're sleeping so soundly...
And there you go, RINGGGGG, or whatever songs you set as your alarm. It just awoke you from the sleep you had been waiting for decades, for centuries. Gosh, I'm forever sleepy in the morning. It really seems that I cant be sleeping early in the night, waking up early in the morning. I really hope I can change this body clock of mine.
Another dreadful thing to do every morning! Walking to SCHOOL! O my, sometimes I wonder, walking to school is somehow as tiring as taking buses or trains to school. You can just doze off into your sweet dreams on the buses or trains when you find you seat, or even when you're standing!
Anyway, I've been sacked from a tuition on the very first lesson. The reason -- I forget some of the aspects in Math.
It's has really been ages since I touched non-calculators questions like doing long divisions. For example, that question I got was 91 / 2. Yeas, immediately, we know that the answer is 45.5 ? 90/2 equals 45. 91/2 equals 45.5!
But what i encountered is...
After the long division, theres a remainder 1, AND I really forget totally about what to do with that remainder! Thats the greatest mistake of my life! AND now I know the solution!
Friday, July 04, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Wow, just checked out my nuff nang ads hanging around at the sidebar of my blog. I was absolutely shocked to find out 2 to 3 of my readers came from the united states! Wondering how they got to my blog, maybe google brought them here?
Life goes on...
I took up a new tuition assignment =)). HEHE. I hope the parent and the child would be nice!!
I have just NOT enough sleep OMG!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
| Author:
Ivan Juntian
Totally nonsense, life is crap. except for darling HEHEHE